Chapter 505: Sporeggar Mill (1/2)
Chapter 505: Sporeggar Mill
What happened?
Suuankou was still a little dazed
His mind went blank from that hit
The brain stopped abruptly, like a sudden power outage, which also ter processes In the end, Suuankou stared blankly at the puppet bear
—and the toy knife in the puppet bear’s hand
“Do you have an answer?”
As the expression of the puppet bear changed to -v-, she spoke in a voice like a silver bell again, “If you give me the victim’s name, I will tell you the secret of how to be saved”
“The victiradually focused on the toy knife in the hand of the puppet bear
Then, he raised his head and looked at the puppet bear
He asked softly, “Is that you…
“It’s rinned and raised her hands in cheers “Then, the next step is how to be saved!”
“What is it?”
“It’s the liver~” The little bear spoke in a sweet voice, “The antidote to poison is the liver…
“—Do you believe me?” She raised the toy knife and chopped Suuankou’s li was that no blood spewed out every time the knife fell
On the contrary, Suuankou’s torso collapsed after each cut
After the four cuts, Suuankou’s body had become as tattered as the puppet bear on the bed
“—” He opened his mouth but could not speak
Suuankou’s eyes went dark, and he returned to the Black Mushrooain
T statuses appeared before his eyes:
[Broken Li liver: Your liver has been stolen]
Suuankou felt a sticky sensation on his shoulder
He touched it and found a red line appeared on his shoulder
It was like a lilued back later
Every tiradually fade away Si weaker whenever he wanted to pick up so out to open the door
Suuankou reacted quickly
Is this the restriction on the number of steps I can take and the nuate around?
This is also a coame
For exa in a rooh a poisonous pool after wearing a pair of glass shoes
If there is such a setting, then there is probably a hidden item
Do I need to pick a set route?
But in any case, I can’t waste the steps count available to ing from the reaction of the previous bullet text, the live stream should not be cut off even when he could not see the bullet text In other words, he could still fulfill the prie behind”
Then, what Suuankou had to do was locate the traps
Thus, death was nothing to be feared
He did not approach the shovel near the corner this time
Instead, he came to the stairs
Then, he saw several flour sacks piled together