Chapter 178: In front of a common enemy, everyone will work together (1/2)
Chapter 178: In front of a coether
shi+shi+o stopped then looked at his PE teacher "Should I stop now, Nishi+kata-sensei?"
"Yes, co them," Nishi+kata said bitterly
shi+shi+o shrugged his shoulders, didn't think too aood luck" He was sure that the boys froressively when he left
Tagami and Usa nodded, but they didn't think that they would lose, considering they had won three goals because of shi+shi+o So with three different points, they wouldn't lose, right?
shi+shi+o walked to Nishi+kata and said helplessly, "Sensei, I just want to play What do you le-player, after all How can I bully them?"
"" Nishi+kata
"Well, just sit down and rest I'll give you a perfect h
"Thanks, Sensei" shi+shi+o nodded with a smile, then asked, "Nishi+kata-sensei, are you ?" Nishi+kita asked in wonder
shi+shi+o looked at Nishi+kata and souy was, and at the sa whether he could see his wife in the future "Well, you've toldan exercise, and I don't have someone to talk to, so accompany me to talk with, Sensei"
"" Nishi+kata had never seen such a brazen student in his entire experience as a teacher, but well, it wasn't a bad idea to talk with hia-kun, where have you learned football? Brazil?"
"" shi+shi+o
While shi+shi+o and Nishi+kata talked to each other, the 1-1 class players were being attacked aggressively by the players from the 1-2 class Without shi+shi+o, the students fro since they didn't have much experience in football Even Sorata, who had so hisabused directly by players froh Sorata had experience, he was only a reserve player He also stopped in the middle because he couldn't become better and couldn't see the future, which led him to lose a passion for it, so even if he had soood, adding to the fact that his body was quite rusty since he hadn'ttoyed directly with all the players from the 1-2 class team
"Kanda, how many times have you lost the ball!"
"Score the ball, Kanda!"
Looking at Sorata, who had lost his ball several tirily
Sorata could only grit his teeth and felt regret for playing the forward position, but there was nothing he could do besides endure the abuse
The 1-2 class players didn't care what the players fro shi+shi+o had abused them, and when shi+shi+o wasn't on the field, it was their time to abuse theoal!
The players frooal and even did a huge celebration since the feeling of being abused by shi+shi+o was excruciating, so when they could abuse the players from the 1-1 class, they were thrilled so happily that they danced together
Even Sakuta, as a loner, also happily hugged his teammate since he felt happy when he saw that his teaoal shi+shi+o's terror scared hi the rest of the teaoal
Sport has always been the best way to develop friendshi+p, even if everyone is on bad terhted and become friendly
Yesterday's ene the coether, so at thishard to abuse the 1-1 class who had abused them earlier, especially when the demon wasn't here
Everyone was furious
Sorata really regretted choosing the forward position now He glanced at shi+shi+o, who talked with Nishi+kata-sensei happily, and couldn't help but grit his teeth, wondering why there was such a huge difference between them?
shi+shi+o knew that the 1-2 class was abusing his classmates, but he didn't think too much It was better to close his relationshi+p with Nishi+kata-sensei since he hter in the future Still, he didn't have a bad intention since what he wanted to do was just to get a reward since he was sure that both Nishi+kata's wife and daughter would give hih shi+shi+o said that he couldn't be dependent on the system, he had a systeht?
"My daughter is so cute, right? See?" Nishi+kata said happily, showing the photo of her daughter
"Yes, I can see a lot of sihter, Sensei Her cuteness ht be inherited by your handsomeness, Sensei," shi+shi+o said with a shed happily, hearing shi+shi+o's praise
Looking at Nishi+kata, shi+shi+o thought that this guy was too siht?
Somehow shi+shi+o understood why Nishi+kata had always been teased by his wife now
The football match between the 1-1 class and the 1-2 class continued, and the 1-2 had scored three goals, turning the match into a draw
The cheerfuldisappeared, and there was only desperation and shame since the three scores difference had disappeared, and they could do nothing besides being beaten up by the players in the 1-2 class
Soirls also ended their exercise and came to the side of the field to watch the football match between the two classes
shi+shi+o also stopped talking with Nishi+kata and talked with Nanami and her friends He had to admit that Nanairls Unfortunately, they couldn't trigger his system