Chapter 481 - I Warned You Long Ago (1/2)
Chapter 481: I Warned You Long Ago
Translator: TuiwenEditor: Tuiwen
Searle’s gaze was cold and piercing The sharpness of his tone made the other man’s expression even more somber
“Yes, Sir!”
The aide excused hiht to Country K’s headquarters in the city He knew that it wouldn’t be easy to acquire the information he needed in such a short aarrived at school the next day, bothYan WeiandLi Ruowere nowhere in sight
Instead, Yang Nianwas present
He had left the school yesterday after receiving an urgent phone call, and therefore had no idea what had transpired a his class, either
During the first two periods in thewas not right He kept staring at the e puzzled
Yan Wei’s things had been removed from her desk caddy, and so were Li Ruo’s
It clued them in that they weren’t simply absent for the day
It was very likely that they wouldn’t be co have happened after he left the ca Nianasked the students seated in front of him “Hey, do you have any idea whyYan WeiandLi Ruodidn’t come to school today?”
These classaped at him, unsure of what to say They see hihad ht over fromInternational Middle SchoolYan Weiwas pissed and made a bet over it In the end, she lost and had to leave the class as a consequence Not only that, but they also forced her to make a spectacle of herself in front of the cafeteria”
The speaker’s expression soured then, and he appeared unable to continue talking
In truth, most people didn’t know about the matters of the Yan fa those within their social circle
In the past, Yan Yuwas considered the golden boy and the treasure of the Yan fahter