Chapter 445 445-Understadning Depeer Into The World (1/2)
Chapter 445 445-Understadning Depeer Into The World
The growth of power isn't easy for anyone in this world As predicted, the journey of cultivation here begins with the creation of a plate Different qualities for the plate will be created on your body It's out of your control and falls under the category of talent
You will always be forroould be fro plates above each other till you reach the 10th plate, known as the 10th level of the Origin Realm But the creation of these plates takes tiy you use
The stronger and tougher your tower, the better will be your future So, no one spends ti to speed up their plate creation to ruin their future There are also several ways that plates can be created with the nobles and the powerful having their own plate creation technique
Some techniques increase the speed of creation, soher, and soranted me her special technique that helps to create the perfect tohich will provide sharperpower It also has the added bonus of th, power, and quality
A technique created by Eleanor, the once-in-a-enius, is due to this creation of hers that she was nicknaed the entire field of a profession are granted the right to be called an E of the professions, the entire world has several professions spread around the world
The differentiation of professions coic path movement and the plate creation technique themselves
?For example, simple bowmen, spear users, or even sword users, each of them has their own profession with their unique mana path movement and plate creation technique Of course, in sush mundane professions, the mana path and plate creation technique would be co
Hence, this creates the different levels on which your profession in the world can be ranked They are:
These 6 are the nors that exist within the world, but there are two other special divisions, unique and Inheritant
The unique being a never before seen profession with their powers unknown to the world, while the Inheritance is the ones only possessed by one person and will only be passed to another
For exa the only one holding this profession after Eleanor
Though Camel has half of this technique, she hadn't received the full one due to her problems back then But even then, she went on to complete this technique by herself to create her unique path of the bow It's not for nothing she's called a genius
?So, getting back to the topic, the profession ranking isn't just th Several factors co of a profession is determined
In the case of this world, most commoners will just stop at their own plate creation Most won't even be born with a plate capable of holding the weight of th, after all if the bottom is weak there is no way to build a tower
The ones born with capable plates will be taken into noble families as soldiers or such If they refuse, co the life of an adventurer, using thewith the coer But this will only end up in a mediocre life
That's how life flows in the world, with power always at the top Taking that aside, the norin Level 3, that too at the age of 60 or so if that person is lucky
True power rises froattacks can be enius
So if one was to take your talent in power, several categories need to be kept in mind, such as:
?Level of Plate