Chapter 398 398-Rewards Gained By Everyone Else (1/2)

Chapter 398 398-Rewards Gained By Everyone Else

Clara spread around thethe one that I chose to accompany me here, it's no secret that she's my maid here and probably the one I trust the most here After all, she knows my 'secret'

"What's this?"

Ron asked as he looked at the map spread around, it seems to have a detailed description with certain places marked around, there are also certain naets, overall it looked like the ed to snatch this fro the problem here and as you can see who or whatever this is they ain't soroup, they have plans and power, they even seemed to have infiltrated people even within our factions"

As I said my last words I could see the mood becoone through one or more betrayals here itself The worst was Marlene whose expression showed deep bloodlust, probably still after her brother

"They are ai for all of us in power and they made their move e are without any external protection"

Isabella spoke, her dull red eyes see furious as she continued to speak

"To have such high risk, the academy itself seems to have been infiltrated, looks like someone has been asleep at the wheel or"

She said pausing as she looked atthe others to focus on me, the ones close to me didn't doubt ainstthis a small smile lit my face

'Manipulative as always'

"What are you i a natural s with , I a that the Academy the place that should be most secure isn't anymore, perhaps there is inner help at play"

Her words didn't incite s at this h for the ones with little faith inbeside er, especially when Mira, someone whom she admires and loves like family is tried to ht, the person responsible does need to pay"

I said cutting off Nora as about to burst with anger, I narrowed my eyes at Isabella as I continued to speak

"But he or she for therelated to it is submitted or collected, if not I shall swear on the name of the Goddess Sylvia that whoever is responsible I shall personally see that they are punished with all th"

Just as I finished s with this the entire situation that was forle move from me made the cornered probleame'

My narrowed eyesmore attention to me, a small pressure started to build between us, it was then


"Why don't we focus on the current situation?"

Raze said clapping his hand, his feline eyes narrowing as he put a good-natured smile on his face, behind him, his so-called fiancee nodded her head

"Rather than talking about future issues, we should first focus on e can do with all this information"

Nell said as she pointed her hand at the big red circle, the very one being the place that ere in, the stronghold, and everyone here is sht be approaching this place soon

"We need to start preparing"

Nell said, her lion ears standing up straight, while her feline eyes started to shi+ne ferociously

"An attack ht come today, the next moment, or tomorroe need to be prepared"