361 Chapter 362-Sickness (1/2)

?361 Chapter 362-Sickness

Things unseen moved at a pace that Catherine couldn't remember, after the first day, another day passed in a siotten who she is, amother took over her as she spend the day as such, it wasn't different for Austin too as he spent tih to place the kids deeply within the two's hearts, everything seeetting weaker, as one er but it seeed within a cozy environone by without any probleotten who she was as she dipped into her role, playing with her kids, having fun, and enjoying the day in utter bliss of faht she would fall asleep under the tight hug of Austin

Hence the third day began, this time as Catherine rose up she couldn't feel her body well, most of her body felt weak and powerless, she could feel herself being slower but she paid noto Austin that s the bed she began to walk towards the children's rooreithin Catherine's heart as she walked towards the twins' room, with quickened steps she reached the rooht of the two kids lying sprawled on the floor,


Her sche as Austin rushed into the roo the tins in her lap, they looked pale, revolting black veins spreading around their bodies,

"What happened?!"

Austin asked with an anxious voice as he rushed up to Catherine, he placing his hand on the maroon-colored child as he felt her body, his expression turning ugly,


He said with a grave voice,Catherine paler than she is,

"Wh-Why? hat's ha-happening to th-the lips, her eyes quivering she was just inches away froirls up to the bed and placed theirls who looked too weak to feel anything around them,

"W-What should e do?"

Catherine asked as she sat on the bed beside the twins holding the in the world, Austin's eyes see to hold onto a fleeting struggling identity but that didn't last for long after which his eyes became clouded over, his shoulders slumped over as he spoke with a defeated voice,

"I don't know"

He said biting his lips as he sat at the other side of the bed, his vestige being one of a weaker man, while a flood of cries now started to fall from Catherine's face,


Only stutters left Catherine's h that didn't last for long as the cry of a baby was heard across the roo as she rushed to the baby's room, only a fewfine and healthy

Seeing so a sigh of relief left Austin'sat its soulful eyes as a weak smile took his face,


A weak voice called out, causing Austin's body to shake as he reached beside the bed, now both the girl's eyes were open, and the two of them couldn't move their body, as they lay on the bed but their eyes were focused on their father as now beside them with a weak s today?"

He asked with a forced sweet sirls replied at the sa it Catherine's muffled cry was heard froht,

"Where does it hurt?"

He asked now holding the twin's hands tight,