Chapter 358 Chapter 358-House Of Horrors? (1/2)

358 Chapter 358-House Of Horrors?

After she finished speaking Catherine turned towards Austin who sat beside her, his face see with her story but no words of pity or understanding, ca to her story,

"Nothing to say?"

She asked to which Austin shook his head, ued about his choice, with sparkling eyes she spoke,

"You know, you're not the first person I said this story to but you are definitely the first to have nothing to say"

Hearing her words Austin kept his silence a bit before which he replied,

"What is there to say? you are no o that overcanition"

Reaching till here he turned to look at Catherine eye to eye as he continued,

"You don't need pity nor co words, for they are useless, hence I did the best I know, I listened to what you had to say, a friend willing to listen and if needed to help"

Catherine's eyes sparkled with several e came out,


"I see, that's nice"

Is what she told as she rested her head back on the wall, her thoughts unknown, Austin didn't say anything else as he too leaned back into the wall, but he could see what others couldn't

+500 affection!

'A storyhuh'

It's soets had so within themselves that made the icon of perfection and beauty but in truth and hidden they too have their broken side, wounds that have yet to heal

Be it Caret they have their hidden dirt that only Austin knows, the ones he could use to get their heart or here to cheat upon theirl that every male desired but that's the outer shell she had created from the past, its not simple words that

The saddest people s back on reality Austin too leaned back to the wall, they stayed like this for five minutes before which Catherine sparkled back to life as she ju!"

With a bright sht up anyone's day, she took some of the stuff and she started to clean the top floor,

"I got this floor! you take the bottoave her coor


Catherine's voice by nature was beautiful and soul steering, even if her poere gone, her voice was still stunning to listen to, hence she began to sing a song she hadn't sung in a long ti with herit even if he knew it had no power Austin still felta san to clean up, in truth if he were to use a spell all of this cleaning would have been done within seconds but then it would have negated the real reason he was doing this, it was to get Catherine's mind more focused on the present

If she were to stay with her current thoughts, it wouldn't have taken her long to be sed by her own iination, plus there is always a certaina home by hand, an attachht,

'What's going to happen will definitely bring Catherine to the brink of emotional and physical demise'

Austin knew that this house wasn't just what it looked like, a horror that couldn't be i and he needs Catherine to be at her best to deal with it, there was a reason he went this far, within the trial he will definitely get Catherine's heart, by the time this finishes she would be head over heels for him

Time passed by as the two of them cleaned the house, the dust-ridden house was quickly cleaned and neat,

"Didn't know you could clean so well"

Austin spoke, seeing that the top floor was prim and proper,

"Humph did you expect that I can't clean?"

Catherine asked with an adorable pout to which Austin shrugged his shoulder,

"A ot a playful paunch to his shoulder, and soon the two of the at all the ingredients present Austin looked at Catherine as he asked,

"What do you want to eat?"

Austin asked to which Catherine raised her eyebrows as she questioned,

"You can cook?"


He asked,