Chapter 274-A Happy Family (1/2)
Chapter 274-A Happy Family
"Oh! look at you, it's been one year and you have already changed so much!"
A beautiful woed ed her back, she had peach color hair and green eyes, giving her an exotic look, she was Athena the wife of Ralph and someone whom I see as an elder sister and she too sees me like family, important family since I had saved her born children that should have ended up dead,
"Co so Athena left the hug as she started to pulltable where I catheir s all this a kind smile automatically ca one on both sides,
"Look at your two! Aria and Josh, you've both grown so big!"
"Welco brother!" X2
Both of the immature and funny at the same time, I chuckled at it as I placed kisses on both their cheeks,
"You know I have got gifts for the two of you"
Both of them raised their arms and cheered as they both placed kisses on my cheeks, soon I carried them both to the seats but just as I was about to sit Athena came forward as she tried to take them off me,
"C'mon here both of you"
"No" X2
It was an instant rejection causing, Athena, to sulk,
"Looks like both ain another instant reply as both Aria and Josh used their s this Athena just chuckled,
"You know they really missed you"
"YeahI'm sorry but you should know that I have been busy"
"Yeah, I can understand, so scored any girls yet?~"
Athena spoke with a teasing voice, to which I chuckled, holding the kids tighter I spoke,
"Well, I did start seeing soossipy lady, she ca eyes,
"Who's the lucky lady to beco so she struck a pose as she placed a hand on her hips while her chest was pushed forward, I could only helplessly chuckle at the antics of this older woe"
"Hey! e is just ave up and tried to take a seat but it was quite difficult with both of the kids in my arms, Athena noticed it as she seriously spoke,
"Kids come here, it's hard for Austin to sit"
Seeing that Athena was serious the two of theed otten,