Chapter 136: Issues(2) (1/2)

Chapter 136: Issue’s(2)

‘Sigh…what a pain’

After getting to know everything, my head throbbed with a headache, well I had to see this coame there’s no need to explain about the lives of the characters but still this was even beyond ht fall for Elda but I didn’t think that she would attract this ive up, they are adahed inwardly as I looked at the beautiful creature in ly afraid ofas I held her soft body tighter in my embrace, one of my hands held her smooth lithe wait, while the there one slowly patted her back

Feeling entle touches the nervousness from Elda’s body slowly disappeared, her body entle touches as she laid her head on entle and loving s Brother I-“

“Shuush, no need to feel guilty or bad, you did what you had to, plus as your older brother, isn’t it uys really want you then they have to go through ently patted her head, feeling my pat, Elda closed her eyes as she purred in happiness, her body lost strength as she lay peacefully ininbrother is the best”


I smiled happily as I heard Eldainto our oorld that Nora spoke

“You two really see into your oorld”

“U my retort, Nora just snorted with displeasure, I looked at her mischievously as I extendednext to me I so was easily able to reache but her body seemed immobile, while her mind said no, her body was olden hair, I gently patted the top of entle look a hint of blush filled Nora’s face, unknowingly she closed her eyes to enjoy it as a gentle smile accompanied her, I patted her head for a few seconds before I let go, feeling the loose of warmth in her head, a sense of disappointment filled Nora’s heart but it was soon washed aith my words

“Sister, even if it was you I would still fight for your happiness, don’t you already know it, both of you are one of theto protect you”

“Ye-Yeah I-I know”

Nora’s heartbeat fastened at an unnatural pace, she tried desperately to hold back the s deep within her, seeing that Nora was traveling to her oorld I turned to Grace as I spoke

“Mother have you already joined?”

Hearing my question Grace smiled as she spoke back

“Indeed, I have already received my own office, I would personally start ain”

“Uood, it seeether”

As I spoke there was ait Grace smiled as hint of red filled her cheeks, it was pretty cute to say the least, afterwards both Grace and Nora continued to talk with me

We talked for about a few hours, at that sa reckless in ratulatedme with several questions, especially abouttiht already”

I spoke looking out theand Nora seconded to it

“Uh, how long as it being since we sat like this and talked”

There was a satisfied and contended smile on Grace’s face as she spoke those words, Nora nodded her head to it as she looked atthe hair of Elda who at some time had fallen asleep, Elda’s smooth silver hair was extremely soft to touch