Chapter 906: The Living Can Lie, but the Dead Will Not (1/2)

Chapter 906: The Living Can Lie, but the Dead Will Not

Zu An looked hesitant “Wouldn’t that be troubling you all? It’s no probleation fro us, it’s not troubling us at all! Sir Zu, please coqiu had a s profusely inwardly Won’t you seal up the whole freaking qiu kept on inviting Zu An inside generously, but Zu An continued to turn hiatekeeper could’ve offended anyone else; why did he have to offend this dauys insist I wouldn’t be giving brother Han here face if I don’t coqiu forced out a sreat difficulty “Sir Zu, please come in, please!”

You have successfully trolled Han Fengqiu for +233 +233 +233…

Zu An strutted in only after feeling he had gotten a sizable ae points froed looks and saw the admiration in each other’s eyes They had been left helpless just aQi Manor, and yet now, Sir Zu had easily dealt with the problem! No wonder this man had been able to accuroup was brought to the rear garden Han Fengqiu pointed toward a certain spot and said, “This is where her highness drowned”

Zu An noticed that the pond was actually pretty large It was actually a s that so by the shore and said, “There are soQi’s concubine drown here?”

Han Fengqiu said, “These railings were newly constructed after the matter as a preventative measure for the future If Sir Zu looks more closely, you’ll find that the paint on them hasn't even dried yet”

Zu An was speechless “Then doesn’t that mean that the scene of the crime was already completely destroyed by all of you?”

If crafts, even if there were any clues, they would have long been erased

“I don’t really understand what Sir Zu is saying,” Han Fengqiu replied “Her highness’ case was clearly an accident What clues could there possibly be?”

Zu An harrumphed “Whether it was an accident or not isn’t for you to decide We’ll only know after the investigation”

Han Fengqiu wanted to say sos What, are you questioning King Qi Manor’s decision about our own matters? Are we supposed to listen to your opinion instead? But he had just been through a horrible experience, so he held it in Forget it, I won’t argue with this kind of petty person

Zu An had his subordinates look around and check to see if there were any clues that had been ned to this task, so they were experts If there really were any clues, they wouldn’t escape their eyes

But unfortunately, they all shook their heads toward Zu An after searching several ti Qi Manor had clearly prepared properly in advance The scene of the crihly destroyed

Zu An didn’t bother with that matter anyqiu was a bit hesitant Zu An asked with a so there?”

Han Fengqiu shi+vered He didn’t knohat kind of nonsense this kid was going to start next and quickly said, “There’s no real inconvenience”

Soon afterward, they arrived at a courtyard It was quite sizable, and the details were also elaborate and exquisite This was definitely a concubine that had received quite a bit of favor But e courtyard now had a strange aura of neglect

Further Zu An’s thoughts, Han Fengqiu explained, “This courtyard was abandoned after what happened to her highness The servants didn’t dare to come anymore, for fear that it had become haunted”

Zu An reeful spirit?”

Han Fengqiu’s expression changed “Sir Zu, please don’t say such things! Those ignorant hosts; there’s nothing more to it”

Zu An chuckled and didn’t continue He went inside and began to look around Han Fengqiu beca shameful inside, so Zu An could just look all he wanted

Zu An gave orders to his subordinates, then entered the concubine’s charance in the roo Qi’s concubine, the perfuant The scent was deep and refreshi+ng, but unfortunately, the beauty was already deceased

He opened up the wardrobe to the side and saw all kinds of pretty dresses He couldn't help but say in a Qi’s concubine after all, so he wouldn’t treat her poorly,” Han Fengqiu replied

Zu An nodded, then asked nonchalantly, “What did she wear the night she went out? Did she wear her own clothes or civilian clothes?”

Han Fengqiu replied, “Her own clothes But I believe they were coave him a look and re that wasn’t that eye-catching to attend soqiu exclaimed in alarm, “I didn’t say that! Please don’t put words in hness’ reputation, so Sir Zu must watch what you say!”