Chapter 74: I Need to Become Poor (1/2)

Chapter 74: I Need to Become Poor

Translator: Pika

“How could he still be alive if a fifth rank cultivator wanted hi remarked contemptuously

This question was shared by everyone in the roo that everyone’s eyes were on him, Zu An responded slowly, “Her stoh, or else I would really have been dead”


Everyone was stunned They hadn’t expected such a childish excuse For a fifth rank cultivator to fall victim to a stomach ache in the midst of a battle and fail to kill a mere mortal—no, someone even weaker than an ordinary mortal—was simply inconceivable

Doubt was plastered on everyone’s faces, except for Chu Chuyan’s “I don’t think he’s lying”

The other clan members looked at her as if she’d lost her hter was speaking up for Zu An out of consideration for their o that there was so with Snow She hid it well, but after all the tiether, it was inevitable that she would let things slip now and then I kept it a secret so that I could investigate as directing her”

Her words were slow and unhurried, but her leisurely and composed manner seemed appropriate to the situation at hand

She continued, “However, I don’t understand why she wouldlook at Zu An

“I don’t understand it either,” replied Zu An innocently Had I known that you weren’t the one she orking for, I would have exposed her right from the start I wouldn’t have had to feel so jittery around her for so long, then

Her words surprised those present, but also cleared up their doubts about Zu An’s story They were amazed by hoell Snow had concealed her identity, and were puzzled as to who the tian silenced the buzz in the rooh, then turned to Zu An “You should recuperate frouards to protect you We can’t allow such an incident to happen again”

“Personal guards? How personal are they going to be?”

Zu An’s uards he had seen in draestured to the buffwhatever unrealistic thoughts had for words, then gestured to the others to leave the rooet some rest

Chu Huanzhao stayed on, reluctant to leave She was bugging Zu An over the rieved that he hadn’t brought her along for so that fun

Qin Wanru had already walked out of the roohter was conspicuously absent She turned back around and saw Chu Huanzhao acting chummy with Zu An Her frown returned and she bellowed, “Huanzhao, let’s go!”

You have successfully trolled Qin Wanru for 3 Rage points!3 3

Zu An was amused by how hot-tempered his mother-in-laas Are you afraid that I would steal your second daughter too? What are you so worried about? Is it because I’?

Chu Huanzhao reluctantly pulled herself away from the bedside at her mother’s insistence Chu Chuyan was the last one to leave, a brooding look on her face

Once everyone was gone, Zu An took a look at the Rage points he had earned—6,929 Of course, most of the the lottery this time around He knew, based on previous experience, that he would not be able to draw anything hile with such a paltry ae points It was probably best to wait until he had saved up ht even iiven that he had just drawn an ite, there was no way he would draw another one so soon At least that hat his ga of thisthe Knock-You-Up Eyes so quickly It’s all Snow’s fault! I really need to give her a good walloping in the future!

This brought him to another extremely important question—his wealth He was far too rich at the moment for his own safety!

How much was seven-and-a-halfthe whole orld, there were probably fewer than a handful of people ere richer than him

Unknown to Zu An, the only reason why the situation had turned out the way it had was because the Silverhook Casino had intentionally re limits in order to reel him in Had it been any other custoe bet on the outcoh payouts

Ultie The casino thought that it could take advantage of hi the back to the present and to Zu An The earlier fight with Snow had highlighted a er able to use the Heiress’ Ball of Delights!

One of the requirehts was that his assailant had to be a woman richer than him Now that he had a promissory note worth seven-and-a-halfthis requirement

The loss of this trump card could prove fatal As important as money was to him, he treasured his life far more

If he had been able to cash out the seven-and-a-half roup of top-notch experts to protect him Unfortunately, all he had was a promise written on a piece of paper, which conificantly

He had to think of a way to make himself poorer!

While it was unlikely for him to be able to recover the full amount of the debt, the note itself still had value Just throwing it aas not an option, as he would lose the e he had over the Plu out of it soht of ways in which characters in the movies squandered their money He came up with plenty of them, but shot them down one after another Most of the ideas were impossible to execute in this world