Chapter 800 Facing The Music (1/2)

Shadow Slave Guiltythree 16840K 2023-04-27

Chapter 800 Facing The Music

A few days passed in pleasant tranquility Eventually, however, the tis and left for the I Sunny alone

It was a bittersweet feeling

Sweet because he finally had the house for hiain Bitter because… well… Sunny was not sure that he enjoyed his ho so empty anymore

Nevertheless, he had chosen not to follow her to join the rest of the cohort yet Sunny felt like the loos, and had to prepare a few contingencies If the worst happened, there was a big possibility that he would be gone for a very long tis he had to do, just in case

His lecture course at the Academy had just started, but at this rate, it was under threat of ending pre his students with the best and e he could relay in such a short amount of time, but other than that, there was not much else he could do to prevent his acade a hit

Luckily, all Masters led hectic lives The ad accusto for , so his case was not unique

His second worry was the Brilliant Emporium The Memory store was already in a difficult position because of the invisible blockade that had prevented Sunny froht low

In the past six months, Sunny had slowly shi+fted his business in the direction of selling Memory versions of htforward endeavor, however Sure, the idea of having a toothbrush Memory sounded pleasant… but he had to use a soul shard to create one Considering how expensive soul shards were in the real world, the price of a simple toothbrush would have been si for a while, Sunny had co his focus from necessities and toiletries to luxury iteh to earn more than the price of a soul shard Rich clients already had access to mundane items in the Dream Realm due to their connections to Masters and Saints, but illing to pay a lot for the convenience of having various luxuries readily at hand

So, Sunny spent a few days painstakingly creating an especially large batch of these extravagant Me for a while, he gave her a strange set of instructions

Sunny wanted the Brilliant Emporium to stock up on as ainst cold as possible The second priority went to Meht, which were usually cheap and plentiful He also told Aiko to sell every soul shard they had left

The reason behind this decision was siovernment announced the voluntaryto need to equip thee a Gates would also flood thetheir price to a certain extent

In any case, he hoped that the Brilliant Emporium would survive for a while thanks to thesehappen at the ball

Lastly… there was Rain