Chapter 765 Turmoil (1/2)

Shadow Slave Guiltythree 20950K 2023-04-27

Chapter 765 Turmoil

Shock Confusion Joy Reprieve Peace Fear…

Sunny sat on a fli area in front of an armored door, shell-shocked by what had happened What was happening Failing to envision as going to happen

Hisarea was situated on a different level of the hospital complex By now, the one devastated by the recent events was already put off The fires were gone Teae, trying to detere done to the structure of the building and various equipment

Those wounded by the explosion and thehastily treated It seeotten there in time

What exactly had transpired?

He had a good idea

Back when Sunny had Awakened, he had unconsciously activated his Aspect Ability before fully regaining his consciousness As the result, he had co pod instead of inside of it

Shadow Step was a teleportation Ability… what if he had gotten a direct dae Ability?

What if he had been a Tyrant, at that?

This was not an uncoh so similar, if Sunny remembered correctly The same must have happened to Nephis

It was just that her new Ability had turned out to be nothing short of devastating As expected frohter of the I a whole year on the Forgotten Shore and then two h the Dream Realm, she must have been extre her Aspect caused her to be in the throes of terrible pain, as well Her Flaas very cruel, after all

Perhaps Neph could have regained her composure, but sadly, the automated battle systeh to differentiate between an unknoakened and an active threat Even the members of the security team had failed to make the distinction

All they had perceived was that the guarded room where the heir of the Ily inhu the fires

In any case, the turret had unleashed a hail of bullets on Nephis, causing her muddled mind to switch into combat mode After that, all she saas a threat

In combat, you had to kill the ene you

Who kne e she would have done if Sunny had not appeared on time?


But… hoas she so powerful? Fourteen powerful Awakened had failed to even slow her down Not even the cage he had created from shadows could withstand the heat of her flari his hand so hard that even Bone Weave was struggling with the pressure Both of the unconscious Nephis to deliver soirl on the shoulder, then said aardly:

"Cas… my hand"

She turned to hio


They weren't alone in the waiting area In fact, a small crowd of people was there with theents, Acade the neith baited breaths Their faces were pale, shocked, and excited

Morgan of Valor was there, too, leaning against the wall and typing so in her communicator, her expression calotiations would have to be postponed

What was the point of negotiating with Sunny and Cassie when everything had just changed? If Valor wanted to recruit theStar's cohort and the Fire Keepers, they were going to have to speak with Changing Star herself… most likely

Or they would continue their attempts to assassinate her Provided that Valor had been the great clan responsible for sending Caster, of course