Chapter 746: First Steps (1/2)

Shadow Slave Guiltythree 16710K 2023-04-27

Chapter 746: First Steps

Suht, Sunny bypassed using either the elevator or the stairs, and stepped through the shadows to leave the underground dojo behind

No matter what kind of an abooing to regret it dearly!

For a moment, however, Sunny felt a hint of hesitation

…He did not knohat had transpired in the waking world during his absence, after all He had left for the Night Teo, and had not been back since

For all Sunny knew, huht have fallen in that time! The whole city could have been destroyed, with endless hordes of Night the desolate ruins Any kind of horror could have been hiding in his living roo roo world was in, anyone and anything thinking that they could sied to Sunny would have to reconsider their life choices

Ready for battle, he appeared frorew htmare Creature

Instead, it was produced by Effie

With beads of condensation still glistening on her olive skin, the huntress was standing in the center of the roouest bedrooe piece of the wall and a chunk of the ceiling

'That as reinforced with armored alloy, dammit!'

Sunny stared at his friend in shock, then slowly blinked

'Wait… Effie… is standing?!'

Indeed, the young wo healthy and strong There was no wheelchair in sight

In fact, her whole appearance had changed The weak, unhealthy girl with pale skin stretching over brittle bones and a twisted spine was gone Instead, Effie looked almost like she did in the Drea hazel eyes and perfectly defined, leanan infectious feeling of vitality and vigor

Everything about her was screa that changed was the length and cut of her hair, as well as the degree of her tan

Before Sunny could realize it, a joyous smile crept up on his face

…Of course The Ascension was a ed the physical and the spirit bodies together, taking the best parts and perfecting both Even the Lost could return from the Drea the Second Nightical rule

That was the reason why she had always strived to becoin with

…A h note and turned around, finally noticing hirinned brightly:

"Doofus! I', but then forced hiratulations! I a on?"

Effie blinked a couple of times, then looked down In all the excite out of the sleeping pod

Her grin turned a little sheepish

"Ah… well… pretend you didn't see anything!"