Chapter 664 Basic Logic (1/2)

Shadow Slave Guiltythree 23100K 2023-04-27

Chapter 664 Basic Logic

A tense silence settled in the opulent residence of theat Sunny with an indescribable expression on his pale, beautiful face Noctis didn't see the secret that he had been searching for all this time

In that silence, Kai's hoarse voice suddenly resounded, full of polite curiosity:

"I a about… why exactly do we need it?"

Both Sunny and Noctis turned to him After an aard pause, the immortal scratched the back of his head and answered:

"Ah… that thing, you see, is the only thing that can kill Sevras, the blessed of the Sun And I really, really want to kill hiht confusion on the archer's face, he thought for a ht, these days people call him Sevirax, the Ivory Lord You have heard of hiered for a bit, then looked down at his bandaged hands and said evenly:

"Yes You ht say that I have"

He closed his eyes for a moment, and then smiled

"In that case, we must retrieve the Glass Knife And our friend Lord Noctis… surely, there is so that we can do? You know a lot about that sect of theirs Is there a way for you to enter the Temple of the Chalice, find both the knife and our friend, and bring them back to the Sanctuary?"

Noctis stared at him for a while, then shook his head

"No, there is no way forit co with the rest of the sect… sadly, that is also one of the places I can't infiltrate in disguise… uh, infiltrate it again, I lanced at each other, and then, the archer cautiously asked:

"If that is the case… what if we infiltrate it, instead?"

The sorcerer stared at thehtingale… what a strange pair you are! Do you not know fear? I have just told you how frightening the War Maidens are!"

Sunny sed Kai shook his head and answered for both of the to do so:

"Oh, on the contrary Both of us are actually very cowardly But, Lord Noctis… you htening ourselves"

The iave them a dubious look, and then shook his head

"Somehow, I believe it But no, no, it doesn't et into the Temple of the Chalice Only women are allowed inside, and not any woe to female warriors of utmost skill, those who are veiled in dread and the smell of numerous bloody battlefields… maybe with a couple of lowly servants, at best You are both men, so it is useless to even try"

Sunny hesitated for a few hed deeply and said:

"Actually… that won't be a problem"

Noctis blinked a couple of times and looked at him with confused amusement

"Uh… how so? Sunless…"

The sorcerer gave hie look, and then asked with aI don't know about you?"

Sunny glanced at him darkly, scowled, and answered in a sharp tone: