Chapter 659 A Rest Before The War (1/2)
Chapter 659 A Rest Before The War
Sunny did not fully understand what the sorcererthat the new heart needed tireat, even Both of his hearts were beating steadily in his chest, powerful and dependable like relentless machines However, he had not put theht how they would behave in a crisis
Reive out, Sunny decided to take the immortal's word for it and allow himself to rest
He needed rest, anyway
While his body had healed, the mind was not that resilient Sunny felt that his ely, it was not as bad as he would have expected
After the hellish two months he had spent in the Red Colosseutioal withoutin the darkness as he traveled across the Kingdo
Already in a daed and vulnerable state, he had been then thrust into the harrowing succession of nightmares and forced to experience one hideous torment after another At this point, Sunny could have broken… but instead, unexpectedly, he had found himself full of rapacious determination
That detery and allowed hiht, until there were none left It was as though the two ghastly experiences clashed and counteracted each other, leaving him in a semblance of a healthy state
Ora bitter defeat by Solvane's hand, but then refusing to give up and clawing his way to victory in the battle against Nightnited his tortured spirit despite all the suffering it brought, the sauished it
Well… healthy was a strong word Perhaps functioning was more suitable
He could still feel barely closed wounds in his mind, which sometimes made their existence known And added to that was the invisible, insidious poison of Hope…
Yes, a week or two of rest did not sound too bad Sunny had a feeling that later, there would not be such an opportunity again
…After their breakfast conversation, Noctis offered to host hi a living space with the eccentric sorcerer would have been very conducive to peaceful restoration, so he politely refused In the end, he settled in spacious quarters on the opposite side of the ring of menhirs, close to where his small rooer and much better furnished It was comfortable, beautiful, and safe However, Sunny didn't like to stay inside the roo surrounded by its stone walls reeon of the Red Colosseuarden of the Sanctuary
The people living in the for a horned de world would have been, especially since they knew that Sunny had arrived with Noctis himself… however, they were still tense and apprehensive around hi avoided at all costs, which suited hi to disturb anyone unnecessarily, he tended to rearden where very few people ever appeared… coincidentally, it was the same place where he used to sell soul shards in the future His favorite stone, sadly, was usually taken by the leper whose body and disfigured face were covered with dirty bandages
Oh, well… life couldn't always be perfect
The first tirass a few meters away frolance, lingered for a few , hoarse voice:
"What kind of a creature are you?"