Chapter 531 Dream Tournamet (2/2)

Shadow Slave Guiltythree 27660K 2023-04-27

However, the quality of his opponents in the Dreah… for obvious reasons True talents had better things to do than play gaacy clans, who lived by a different set of rules

In the world of Legacies, strength and talent were not so to boast about Renown only served to ard, hidden tigers of the Legacy clans were veryin the shadows until it was time to deliver a lethal strike

That hy his progress had stalled lately These days, the only worthy opponents he could find were a few rare eccentrics and a rare geer for a variety of distinct battle styles

What's hest levels of Awakened battle skill, styles were not only about physical movements and mindset anymore They weaved unique patterns of essence control into the technique, too, which Sunny couldn't perceive and was only able to infer from indirect clues Sadly, he wasn't exposed to a lot of opponents practicing such styles in the arenas

…The tournae that, however With the valuable prizes added into the mix, people ould usually not waste time in the Dreamscape were bound to show up, lured by the scent of rare Meacy clans would, without a doubt, be tempted to participate

A powerful Ascended weapon or are their lives, too

So, Sunny could kill two birds with one stone Compete for these prizes and enrich his library of styles at the saet it! I'd be a fool towhat a headache it would be to bring even rel, Sunny couldn't let such an opportunity go Plus, he had so to the Chained Isles

Scrolling through the feed, he started reading everything he could find about the upco tournament

Several days later, Sunny locked the door of his house, descended into the basement, and approached the Dreamscape pod

As soon as he entered the fake black void, the fareeted hirel!"

Sunny didn't pay attention to it and briefly looked at his status


"Victories: 813"

"Defeats: 0"

With a quiet sneer, he turned to several i in the boundless darkness in front of him

These were the arenas he had access to, and by now, there were significantly more of them than had been there at the start Today, however, the list looked different

The ies of the arenas were pushed to the sides, and a new one appeared in the very olden shape of an olive wreath depicted beneath two shi+ning words:

"Dreaered for a moment, summoned the Mantle of the Underworld and Weaver's Mask, and then stepped toward the ie
