Chapter 472 : Worthy Reward (1/2)
Chapter 472 : Worthy Reward
Sunny stared at the blind girl with surprise clearly written on his face Allowing this surprise to seep into his voice, he asked: "The vine creature? You want to kill that thing?" Why would she want to atteerous? Cassie nodded
He shook his head
That bastard sprawls through the entire island, its vines buried underground It is Corrupted, which means that our weapons will barely be able to out it And, if that was not bad enough, the vines produce clouds of deadly poison Are you sure that you want to attack It?
The blind girl lingered for a few moments, then answered calmly:
"It is a Corrupted Monster, indeed It is terrifying and lethal, yes, But I ah preparation Everyone has weaknesses, after all That creature is susceptible to fire, for exaht be able to exploit, too!
Sunny thought rota while, then shrugged "Fine I will help your cohort fight the monstrosity on the shi+pwreck Island I will not prohed Then we have a deal My cohort and I will remain in the Desecrated Growth until our business here is done I expect it to take a month, at least Maybe more After, ill return to the Sanctuary, recuperate, and proceed to the shi+pwreck Island!
She paused for a e the Second Nightmare: Sunny sirl turned back to the roots of the dead tree "Yes If we don't die before that!
On his way back to the Sanctuary, Sunny had a lot to think about
Firstly, there was the fact that he would have to cooperate with Cassie again, which made him feel all sorts of complicated emotions The manner of their relationshi+p, at least, was set clear — it was purely an alliance of convenience, and nothing else
He could put away his resentment for the sake of matic person when he needed to be