Chapter 365 Young Prospect (1/2)

Shadow Slave Guiltythree 21720K 2023-04-27

Chapter 365 Young Prospect

Master Jet looked at hiood goal to have especially for people like us"

She took a sip of tea, then closed her eyes for a few ht There are htforward than others Ideally, you would want a powerful organization backing you up, but that is not the only way In fact, such a partnershi+p is a double-edged sword You gain a lot, but also have to give a lot in return I'll provide you with the basic information, and you can decide for yourself"

Sunny straightened a little and listened to her attentively Master Jet thought for a few seconds, and then said:

"In this next few days, you will have to decide what Citadel to go to That is not the sa a faction, but closely tied to it Usually, young Awakened have to coht to join a desirable faction and therefore be taken to the Citadel it operates froh Everyone wants you… and I mean everyone So you can pick any of the human Citadels in the Dream Realm to call home"

She paused, yawned, and then continued:

"As you should already know, there are three great human Citadels in the Dream Real to the great clans, while the smaller ones can be either ruled by a lesser clan or reardless, all of them are situated around the three main human enclaves and tied to theo, you'll be in the sphere of influence of one of the great clans, it's just that you can be either in its center, close to the center, or on the periphery"

Sunny scratched his head

ReadNovelFullovernment control many Citadels?"

Master Jet shook her head

"Out there in the Dreareat clans It does, however, maintain a presence in all the important Citadels, which allows us to play a unique role In the Dream Realm, we serve as a… connective tissue between the three factions, I guess That flexibility has its own benefits, if you ask htly on the table and said:

"In any case, even if you decide to refuse the obvious choice of settling in one of the great Citadels, you'll have to select one of the three territories They are not connected, as some people think In fact, there are deadly and extre each of the hu to be your first decision — which territory to choose

That o to Bastion, for example, he would have the opportunity to build a relationshi+p with the great clan Valor, which ruled it, or any of the lesser clans in its sphere of influence He would lose the opportunity to be recruited into the great clan Song, though, or any other clan that existed in a separate human territory And so on

Master Jet finished her tea and looked at the empty cup with a solemn expression

"Oh, yeah This is where I was supposed to give you the recruitovernure out the pros and cons of that path by yourself All I will say is that you will never be truly accepted as an equal by the nation or not Maybe they won't say it to your face, but you'll always be treated as someone… a tiny bit lesser At best"

Sunny's expression darkened Caster's face suddenly appeared in his mind, eyes full of disdain

What had the proud scion called hiot to your throat Who's laughing now?'

Master Jet had a similar kind of expression on her face Had she experienced her own share of hardshi+ps because of her lowly background? Most likely

As Sunny was pondering what Master Jet's path to becohed, then sacy clan is a bad deal Actually, it's a dream come true for many, most even With your renown, Sunless, any clan would be happy to give you patronage Soht even adopt you hell… with your looks, even e is not out of the question!"

As Sunny choked on his tea and did an actual spit take, Master Jet laughed

"Marriage… what e?!"

She shook her head

"How do you think Legacy clans recruit talents? There are patronage contracts, adoptions, andthe preferredto enhance the bloodline, you know"

As Sunny stared at her ide eyes, Master Jet chuckled and continued:

"In any case, these are your options You can go with the governreat clans, or a lesser clan Each will provide you with plenty of incentives to join them instead of others The most wealthy factions will even shower you with soul shards You and I both kno important those are Few people can refuse such an offer"

She sighed wistfully, lingered for a bit, and then added: