Chapter 325 Siege of the Crimson Spire (11) (1/2)

Shadow Slave Guiltythree 16030K 2023-04-27

Chapter 325 Siege of the Crih! damn it!"

Effie stu through the bodies of several Nightmare Creatures With her other hand, she took hold of the oversized translucent tick that bit deep into her thigh and tore it away, losing a chunk of flesh in the process Before the repulsive creature had tiers with its sharphot blood strearimaced and unceremoniously wiped the pulverized reht Shard, then spun to follow the trajectory of her spear

Effie was tired So, so tired She was utterly exhausted

…But there was no end to the nightmarish horde

'Can't you all just die, bastards…'

Catching the shaft of the Zenith Shard with both hands once again, she thrust it back and skewered another abomination with its sauroter, then tore the sharp spike away and dashed to the side Ascythe of a carapace centurion sunk into the spot where she had just been Effie spun the spear and lashed out with it, piercing the chest of theit on the spot

As the heavy body fell to the ground and sent treh it, she had a second to draw in a pained, raspy breath Her wounded leg al my back…'


Effie looked around to check on the fellow Sleepers who had been fighting by her side, but failed to see anyone

All around her, there was nothing but the endless htmare Creatures

Everyone was already dead

…Except for her

"Ha Ha-ha Ha!"

Effie was left alone in the sea of monsters, separated from the remnants of the Dreamer Army by an impenetrable wall of claws and chitin She only knew that so back there because of the radiant white light that continued to illuminate the vast expanse of the battlefield… of this tomb that they had built for thehtht could reach where she stood Here, there was nothing but darkness

She didn't have round and sh and stared at the approaching tide ofwith dark amusement

"Come then, beasts Oh, what a feast this will be…"

Sunny barely avoided the blade of the coral sword and deflected it to the side with the Midnight Shard Then, he tried to counterattack, but was forced to jump back with aa shallow cut on his cheek

'daainst three goleht, The Slayer, and the Priestess were trying to surround hih power to obliterate a Sleeper with laughable ease

Luckily, Sunny was not just any Sleeper The shadorapped around his body, er With its help, he was barely able to hold on and remain alive