Chapter 259 Bloody Mayhem (1/2)

Shadow Slave Guiltythree 19480K 2023-04-27

Chapter 259 bloody Mayhem

Sunny ran to the statue with every bit of speed he could e Which was quite a considerable amount, by human standards no, even by those of other Sleepers

As the histles in his ears, the shado off the blade of the Midnight Shard and turned around, observing the wounded aboled, the Messenger did not seem perturbed On the contrary, it opened its terrible beak and let out a blood-curdling shriek, then lunged at the tiny humans with even more bestial fury

'I think it's not happy!'

Despite the mortal peril his companions found themselves in, Sunny did not stop to help the the cave had to be killed by a person who had touched the ancient statue — until so but a futile and stupidly dangerous game

The essence of combat was murder, after all If no one truly ai, how could they ever hope to survive?

So Sunny was helping theoing well for the cohort The Messenger was too big, too strong, too swift for a group of Sleepers, no matter how talented It was already a miracle that none of the would that last?

As the shadoatched, the terrifying beak caain, bounced off Effie's stalwart shi+eld


However, this time, a wide crack appeared on the surface of the round shi+eld

Before the huntress could even react, several powerful li it with the force of a cannonball Finally, the Me with Effie's ar her olive skin as it twisted at an unnatural angle

'damn! Faster!'

As the pillar of dark stone approached, he watched the Messenger try to finish the wounded huntress off and be thwarted by the Stone Saint Sied to penetrate the barrier created by the creature's front li a deep gash on the aboh to not be afraid of a sudden attack aimed at his back, Sunny commanded the shadow to turn around and return to his side His view of the battle iht up and wrapped itself around his body

Sunny's speed doubled

Pursued by the sounds of a ferocious battle, he neared the unfinished statue

However, before he could touch it, a huure suddenly appeared in front of hiht in front of the stone pillar It was Caster

The proud Legacy didn't look all too well His shi+ny scale ar four deep wounds on histhe handso man pale and disheveled

No, it wasn't just that Caster seemed a bit off, so with him exactly He did notice, however, a crystal a on a silver chain around his neck

'What is that? A charm Memory? I didn't know that Caster had a characy put his bloodied hand on the statue and closed his eyes for aone back on thehis eyes a second later, Caster glanced at Sunny with a dark expression and turned into a blur once again, rushi+ng back to rejoin the battle

Just as soon as he disappeared, Sunny crashed into the stone pillar, uncere off the hard surface, he rolled on the ground and shakily rose to his feet