Chapter 163 The Past (1/2)

Shadow Slave Guiltythree 20370K 2023-04-27

Chapter 163 The Past

Sunny stared at Caster with a gri voice, he knehat the handsorew up in the outskirts, after all

Caster had said "I will help you"

But what he actually meant was "I will own you"

Because there was no better leverage than a grueso to come at a price

But what choice did Sunny have, really? Unless he was ready to fight and kill Caster right there and then, thus silencing the only witness of his crime forever, he couldn't refuse

Plus… what Caster thought was going to happen and ould really happen was not as set in stone as it see things around, soh this, one step at a time

Sunny forced out a smile

ReadNovelFullet it"

Then, he glanced at the dead body lying at his feet and took a step back, escaping the quickly growing puddle of blood His face remained calh his body

"So… what do we do now?"

The proud Legacy lingered, then said in a soles first, we can't let anyone see you like this Wait here for a while I'll bring sohed He didn't really want to stay anywhere near Harper, but Caster was right Walking around covered in blood was a bad idea

"And then what?"

Caster hesitated

"Then ill need to get rid of the body But… it won't be easy to do without being noticed, if not by sluh… I'll think of so Just wait forif he could trust the Legacy What was going to stop hi Sunny in his pocket would benefit Casterrid of him completely

Still, he sent the shadow to keep an eye on things after the handso man went away

Left alone with the corpse, Sunny sighed and sat on the floor, resting his back against the fliht was slowly descending on the ruins, drowning everything in co darkness Of course, he could still see the bloodied body lying motionless on the stones beside him For the first tih the shadows

Harper's eyes were still open, staring at hily

'I am… I am stuck with you forever, aren't I?'

Without even looking into the Soul Sea, Sunny knew that a new shadow had joined the silent ranks of every creature he had ever killed