Chapter 40 Weak Point (1/2)
Chapter 40 Weak Point
"Halt!" Sunny whispered, observing the group of scavengers through his shadow
As soon as the word left his lips, Nephis is for a second, she turned her head and glanced at him with a question in her eyes
Cassia, meanwhile, froze in place and hesitantly raised her staff
Sunny counted the monsters: one, two, three… five…
The hulking beasts seemed like the losers of the pack, similar to the one he had killed However, their wounds were not as pronounced and terrible Each of theled one from before, and there were half a dozen of theers on the path ahead, six of the in our direction"
Nephis cast a gaze forward There was a calculating look on her face
"They're done with the carcass?"
ReadNovelFullht for a moment and then shook his head
"No, I don't think so But h lers had no choice but to leave with an eestured to a nearby branching path
"We'll circle around them"
The three Sleepers hastily roup ofto stay on course and not get lost in the labyrinth
However, in the next hour, they had to turn in a randoers The distance between the at all
At so their breath near one of the numerous dead ends of the crie nu spot, separated froe
Sunny sighed and shook his head
"We can't go on like that At this rate, we'll never make it to safety before sunset"
Cassie was the first one to react
"Maybe… maybe we should turn back?"
That was a reasonable suggestion However, Sunny felt reluctant to agree
Nephis shared his thoughts With a blank expression, she said:
"It will only get harder toht By to the labyrinth
"Then what should we do?"
Changing Star tilted her head, thinking After a while, she turned to Sunny
Fight? Fight against dozens of those monstrosities? Was she crazy?
Sunny tried to hide his derision as he spoke:
"I know that you are skilled with the sword, but have you forgotten that each of those things is a whole rank above us? We won't survive in a fight against roups Cut down smaller ones"
After a moment, she added:
"If there's one or two of them, there's a chance"
Sunny wanted to retort, but couldn't find a good reason In the end, he gave up
Nephis stared at him for a while Then, she suddenly asked:
"Have you studied the corpse of the scavenger you had killed?"
What was that supposed to mean?
A bit surprised, Sunny shook his head
He was too busy being in pain and trying to make it to safety before the sea returned And ould he study a corpse?
'Wait I think Teacher Julius …'
After a short pause, Nephis spoke:
"Scavengers have three weak points on their bodies The first one is obvious: it's their joints Anything that has to be flexible can't be too rigid So, there's gaps in the ar the joints, you can diminish theira dead ths and vulnerabilities This idea was so obvious that Sunny ad sooner
Meanwhile, Nephis continued:
"The second one is the same It's where their torso connects to the carapace If you e to accurately hit that spot, you can heavily injure a scavenger and deal serious da its spine, the wound won't be fatal It'll still be able to fight for a while"
Sunny couldn't help but notice that Changing Star's aardness sees that she felt confident about, like ancient heroes Or killing things
"The last weak point is on their back, approxihtly concave, discolored cavity in their armor It is where several armor plates connect The chitin there is coh it, you can destroy the brain directly That will be a killing blow"