Chapter 347. 17 Years (1) (1/2)

Chapter 347 17 Years (1)

After destroying Erebo’s spawning ground, the expedition tea Only ten minutes after the reports of their actions were sent, Seo Jun-Ho was suetic, and his voice reflected his feelings “You must be tired I’m very sorry, but I think some of the numbers on the report are incorrect”

“Really?” Seo Jun-Ho ht with him just in case The party had been able to count the nus they destroyed thanks to the Player’s unique sub-skill called Recordkeeping (B)

“Please tell Mr David over here which parts you think are incorrect He has all the records fro up until the end of the expedition,” he said

“Alright Mr David?”

“Y-yes, sir!” David was nervous in the presence of two Heavens, and his voice sounded tense

“I think the nus destroyed is incorrect in this report How many were there exactly?”

“385,291, sir!”

“What was that?”

“3 8 5 2 9 1 Sir!”

Unsurprisingly, shi+n Sung-Hyun’s face grew shocked, and so did Jang Kyun-Hoon, as standing next to the former Their eyes then landed on Seo Jun-Ho

“Oh, that wasn’t an error That’s the correct number”


“The cockroaches’ spawning ground had been a base caainst Players”

“Hah” Countless thoughts and feelings popped into his head, but all shi+n Sung-Hyun could do was let out a forced laugh “You never fail to surprise me”

“I’m flattered”

“So this wasn’t an error, you say It’s such an absurd nu-Hyun stood up with a look of excitereat honor To think that you killed nearly 400,000 cockroaches… You’ve brought us an unbelievable and great victory”

“That is not all, Master,” Jang Kyung-Hoon said, sounding i grounds, there was a laboratory where special entities were created Specter rescued twelve Players those heathens had taken as prisoners If 400,000 cockroaches, including those special entities, invaded this city…”

“It would have been chaos”

Countless Players would have died Thankfully, they avoided such a h of relief “If I may be frank, I only expected you to minimize the nu even greater, so-Hyun didn’t even dare try to quantify The cockroaches already had more resources than the Players, but even theof a difference 400,000 more soldiers would make “No wonder the cockroaches did not attack the city for the first tiht”

It was definitive proof that the Floor Master had been thrown into confusion after losing his troops

shi+n Sung-Hyun thought for a moment and spoke, “Vice Master”


“Release an article on Coht at this moment”

“What should it be about?”

“In detail, write about the expedition team’s achievements”

The 4th floor’s Community was separated from the other Floors In other words, the only ones ould be able to see the report were Players on the 4th floor

There was a si such an order out of the blue “This will be the best news to raise the Players’it In addition, infor will be shared for today’s lunch”

Food and drinks on top of the exciting news of their great victory shi+n Sung-Hyun truly was the leader of a large Guild

“Give the expedition hest seat of honor possible We will serve them with the city’s finest food”

“Now that you say that, I’et excited I proht about it, it had already been a few years since he ate any gourmet food ht of it

While he was drooling, the Goblin Guild released a post on the Couys see what they posted on Co?”

“Of course Listen, they said the expedition teas, led by Specter”

“Couess he likes to bluff a bit”

“I thought the sa you, it’s true You didn’t check the video forums either? I swear, it took off ten years ofbetter to do, the Players chattered about the expedition team’s achievements The expedition teas and saved twelve prisoners, and throughout that, no one was critically injured, let alone killed Honestly, it was hard to believe that such an overwhel victory had occurred if one could only read it

So, a video was uploaded, and it proved the expedition team’s achievements

[Break them! Break them all!]

[Once they’re all destroyed, set them on fire! Jenbu Shatsu[1]!]

[Ahahaha! I’m the 4th Floor’s Cesco[2]!]

The video showed dozens of Players destroying eggs like h to make a man’s knees weak

The uploader was someone named Sonny Most people already knew that it was Seo Jun-Ho’s ID

“Wo did you think this up in that situation?” Seo Jun-Ho asked, sounding impressed The one who had come up with the idea was the Frost Queen rather than Keen Intuition

The Frost Queen crossed her ared “Heh This is but a trivial matter It is now clear who is more helpful to you, Contractor”

- How foolish Even if you achieve so small like this a hundred ti his life even once

“I am not a fool”

These days, the Frost Queen and Keen Intuition’s signature move was to appeal for Seo Jun-Ho’s approval whenever they did soood, no matter what it was Internally, Seo Jun-Ho wanted to let the in his head, so he couldn’t afford to do that

“Contractor, have you earned a lot of PP?”

“Yeah But I don’t knohen the 2nd Floor Adain,” he replied Fortunately, most of the items sold in the Administrator’s Store were excellent items, so the moreBreaker]

Views: 26,438

Likes: 8,973

PP earned: 2,643

Donated PP: 152,800

“I’ve earned more than 150,000 PP already,” he remarked Compared to the number of views the video had, the nuher Since their lives had been at stake, it seeratitude to him this way

‘It’s not like there are s to do on the 4th floor either’

Seo Jun-Ho smiled with a pleased look as he watched his PP steadily increase “Anyway, good job I’ll give you a cake coupon—oh, wait, I guess you wouldn’t need that because you already have a lot” He suddenly reiven her a 10x cake coupon On top of that, it wasn’t like he could buy her a decent cake here anyway

“Huh?! That is absolutely absurd!” The Frost Queen jumped up and down in excitement “The more cake there is, the better! Don’t you know that phrase?”[3]

“I don’t, actually And I already gave you a 10x cake coupon”

“Oh, I gave that to soive it to?”

“You gave the cake coupon to soh”