Chapter 301. The Saint of the Empire (2) (1/2)

Chapter 301 The Saint of the E a bloodbath, Seo Jun-Ho went back to Paradise and began to rescue the ioing to die here”

“Thank you so much Thank you!”

“P-please help me out, too!”

The people who had been recently kidnapped were in a comparatively better state than the others At the very least, they could all use human speech

The issue ith those—those who had been here for a long time



They were restrained on their beds, with dozens of needles piercing their skin They all had red eyes, and part of their bodies had transformed to resemble a monster’s

‘This is’

They hadn’t just been fed demon’s blood Just like the way the fiends implanted demon jade into fuse Players and monsters into one

“What would you like s


The Players had been subjected to human experiments by the fiends and even had their skills extracted They couldn’t even speak like huence remained intact

“I see”

Seo Jun-Ho unsheathed his sword, looking conflicted There was a ratefulness as tears fell down the monsters’ faces,

‘A lot of blood was spilled today’

There wasn’t even time for the blood on his blade to dry

As the air around hirew heavy, the healthier survivors hesitantly approached him

“Um We will bury theave us food, so this is the least we can do”

“I’ll be counting on you, then,” Seo Jun-Ho said

They dug a hole on the grounds of Paradise and began to bury the Players who had chosen to die as humans Seo Jun-Ho watched them for a bit and silently headed up to the upper floor

‘The people of the empire should be up here’

He did a lap around the floor and let out a sigh of relief “I did see this in Guladin’s memories, but”

The nobles were in a lot better shape compared to the Players, as they didn’t beco demon’s blood


Instead, they were suffering fro across the entire floor were proof of that

“I should hurry”

Seo Jun-Ho rushed over

According to Guladin’s memories, they had recently captured over a hundred people of the empire However, when Seo Jun-Ho arrived, only thirty-two of the


[Magic power increased by 01]

[Magic power increased by 04]

[Magic power increased by 02]

For two hours, Seo Jun-Ho worked busily to save thele casualty Thanks to that, the survivors fell asleep with peaceful faces for the first ti” Seo Jun-Ho slu tired The day started with a battle, and then there was a chase, massacre, rescue, and even treatht about the old days like he did tonight “Iold Back then, this was my everyday life, but now, I’m already tired”

“You would be aYou did well today Very well, indeed” The Frost Queen was usually stingy with her coave him two thuets here”

The Players see the others, and now, they were carrying the empire’s people down the stairs As they did, a few people approached Seo Jun-Ho and gave hi

“Um This is my Guild’s business card Please contact et what you’ve done”

“If you ever come to the States, please contact ive you the best of service”

The Players started to thank hiether

“I will”

Seo Jun-Ho turned his back on their kind, respectful gazes and went up to the uppermost floor His destination was the Chef’s office, which was located there The door opened with a creak, revealing a tidy kitchen

“Contractor Why is this person using a kitchen interior in his office?”

“He’s the real deal”

This was true lunacy, one that couldn’t be imitated by those only half-an to search the office There was only one thing he was looking for in this rooher Level’

The bait that had caught the Players and the citizens of the e Guladin’s ht it was a scaer’

However, he was mistaken

“I didn’t think this actually existed”

“But it is such an a item Shouldn’t the fiends have taken them all already?”

“I don’t know” Seo Jun-Ho shook his head The potions the Chef had released to the rades “At best, it raised an F-grade skill to D-grade or created a new F-grade skill It was only at that level”

Still, even that was an incredible iteh to shake up the market However, the Chef didn’t want hest dish

“The Chef was ordered by the Heavenly Demon to flawlessly recreate my—Specter’s—skill”

“But the Heavenly Demon is dead” The Frost Queen pointed out

“Well, the Chef has already spent over ten years researching this, so I guess it felt like a waste to just abandon it”

The Chef had atte various skills, but he failed every tiher Level as the second-best solution

“How is that the second-best solution?” the Frost Queen asked

“Well Before I ht two fiends called the Shadow Brothers at the Eastern Sea Gate” They had received shadow elemental skills from the Chef “But the Chef called theuard of Darkness, their shadow-based skills were extremely weak The Chef had to have come to a conclusion after continuous failures

“If he couldn’t make the perfect darkness-based skill, he would try to use the shadow eleh he had already considered them failures in the past”

“H to force the shadow eleher level”

“Everyone knows that Watchguard of Darkness is S-grade That was his goal,” Seo Jun-Ho explained

If you told a Player that there was a potion that could raise a skill froh

“But He ed to do it,” the Frost Queen said

“That’s the point” Though others may not know, Guladin knew of a specific potion that the Chef had recently rade skill to S-grade”

If it were offered at an auction, the bids would easily be in the billions

“Ah, so”

“I was hoping that there ht be at least one here,” Seo Jun-Ho said Of course, there was a high probability that there wasn’t any of that potion here If it was such an incredible potion, the Chef had to be carrying it on his person around the clock?????????vel???

‘But he may have stored one of them in a safe place’