Chapter 124. The Kobold Hunting Competition (5) (1/2)

Chapter 124 The Kobold Hunting Coh the sky was clear, the air rang with so like the sound of thunder as heaps of dirt and boulders the size of houses rolled down In the face of the mountain’s flood of fury, Seo Jun-Ho seemed as small as a speck of dust

“Phew” He let out a short breath, Cruel Executioner in hand “Frost, take your tio ahead…

Seo Jun-Ho’s voice faded instantly as he disappeared into the distance The landslide started to come doo, or an scaling the mountain


The point of his halberd stabbed into a thick boulder Seo Jun-Ho dug his weight into rocks to launch himself forward to ascend the

The sky caround disappeared below him


Below his feet, he saw dirt, rocks, and trees spilling doard like a river What goes up, h the air, he started to fall toward the ground


The Frost Queen’s worried voice didn’t reach his ears His attention was on so else

“Focus, Seo Jun-Ho Focus,” he whispered to hinition, perception, judgment, and instincts to their limits, and landed in the flood of earth

Bae rock As soon as he stepped on it, he leaped toward a tree that was coo next?’

It was as if he were rock clierous kind of rock-clier every time he took a new foothold

His eyes were sharp Both his mental capacity and his vision had expanded, and he could see the entire landslide with one look He made his decisions in an instant, and he moved just as fast

Woosh!+ Woosh!+

He was careful but not slow, bold but not reckless

His feet landed on foothold after foothold Sometimes it would be a boulder, sometimes a tree, and sometimes, it would be a rock just the size of his palm


A kobold watched Seo Jun-Ho carefully from the summit of the Hainal Mountains Just like the hue as the Blood Kobold Champion that Seo Jun-Ho had defeated before

“Ka! Hu!” It pointed at Seo Jun-Ho with its right hand, which was covered with dozens of rings As it gave an order, the kobold ic


Four fireballs fleard Seo Jun-Ho, one after another


He quickly twisted his body in mid-air Hot flames brushed his back as it flew by

‘I would’ve been burned without Black Armor’

He landed safely on a boulder and continued to move, without a moment to think


A fireball struck the place he had just been standing at

Woosh!+ Woosh!+

Seo Jun-Ho antly However, the kobold es didn’t stop their assault


He dodged when he could, and boldly cut through the fireballs when he couldn’t

‘There’s no end to it’

His clies Seo Jun-Ho furrowed his eyebrows and let out a spirited cry


He started to move faster As he picked up the speed, he pulled the halberd back




The kobold hed as they watched How could a mere human throw a halberd from over 150 meters away? Their yellow eyes curved into crescents, and they sneered

“Is this funny?” Seo Jun-Ho cackled like a de soon!’

His biceps swelled as he tightened his grip around the halberd Seo Jun-Ho placed all his weight into his right arm and ‘shot’ the weapon


The halberd fleith a fierce sound, like an unchained beast The point buried itself into one of the koboldit instantly The halberd didn’t lose its ht to the kobolds’ leader


It slapped away the halberd with its ringed hand, and the halberd buried itself into a large tree The body of the dead kobold



The kobolds screaine that a mere human could kill them from so far away

‘They’ve started to panic!’

Seo Jun-Ho’s eyes sparkled as he hurried up the re distance

‘I’m almost there’

He could see that the blood kobolds were armed and ready for battle



It was finally over Seo Jun-Ho landed on solid ground and glanced behind him The mountain that was once full of trees had becoed to scale the landslide far behind hiht his breath and prepared hi a natural disaster was no easy feat, but the battle wasn’t over yet

Things didn’t look too good for hiue



“Kung! Kaaaah!”

He had expected it The blood kobolds started to descend the su from their lips Some were so excited that they even tripped over their own feet


Seo Jun-Ho silently took out a normal bow and quiver of arrows from his inventory He wanted to use Tempest or Final Horizon, but he couldn’t because he was recording Of course, if he felt like his life was in danger, he would stop recording and use those instead