Chapter 746 - Run Riot (1/2)

Chapter 746 - Run Riot

"You tere a" Kyle said when Reynolds and Alice came back to their seats

"I'm exhausted" Reynolds said with a tired expression

"Me too Thanks, we did our best not to let Klaus down" Alice replied before taking a seat

"Nice job, you will be rewarded well" Klaus said

Reynolds and Alice rolled their eyes at hiht Klaus proh he knew they wouldn't do it, it still felt kind of odd

Grey on the other hand knew Klaus was just bullshi+ting like he usually does Only those who don't know him will believe whatever he says

With the end of the Mid stages Overlord Plane rankings, it was tis Grey and Klaus would be taking part in it

"It's finally tith, you better not let us down" Reynolds said with a mysterious s that to Grey, not me" Klaus snorted coldly

The duo looked at Grey, and for the first tith with his words

"How could you doubt me? I've always delivered" Grey's flex was low-key cool

Klaus and the others were surprised when they heard Grey say this Grey wasn't the type who usually does things like this He only occasionally finds trouble with Klaus while also playing with the group, flexing around when there were people was not so he usually does

Some of those ere seated at the saainst the young ladies felt he was bragging once again He was powerful, they weren't denying that, but the fact that he was this proudthe fact that he rarely spoke with people made it worse

"Show off" Klaus snickered

Grey shrugged as if saying, 'It's not my fault I'hing Kyle had seen Grey in a playful state once in a while, so he didn't find this strange Other than Grey showing off for the first ti around

The day came to an end, and with it, the excites shot up This round would bethan the previous round

Not just that, but since Reynolds and Alice ed to snatch the first and second place, the audience was curious about what position their friends in the Late stages would take

Not just the crowd, but the Elders, as well as the geniuses from the top Factions, were also curious as well

Everyone couldn't wait for the next day to arrive The night went by very slowly for those waiting for the day to break

But in the end, the sun rose and everyone left whatever they wanted to do and rushed to the arena The rumors of Reynolds and Alice's spectacular battle had spread across the entire city that even without introduction, the duo were known all around