Chapter 730 - A Gamble (1/2)

Chapter 730 - A Gamble

Later that day

Tallinn City's Mayor ot permission from his father to host Grey and his friends, and since they were already here, the geniuses from all the Factions present were invited as well

The participants who et into the top one hundred were also invited Given the current number of people present, the party was held on an open field

Grey and his friends sat at the front, alongsidethe host of the party, sat facing the crowd

There was music, drinks, food, and other forms of entertainment and the place was lively as expected This party was held with the sole purpose of creating ties with each other

Everyone present were all well dressed Grey wore a light blue overcoat with black trousers, Reynolds and Klaus both wore red and green overcoats respectively with black trousers as well Alice hite trousers with a peach long-sleeved shi+rt

Kyle was dressed in a simple short-sleeved shi+rt and blue trousers

The group was part of the focus of the show A few geniuses came over to toast with them, while Klaus was very active, one minute he was here, the next he was so to bootlick thelass of ith the

Unknown to them, the only reason Klaus even went to other tables was that he didn't want the girls froht Faction to think they were his ai his plan, that was the last table he went to He stayed there longer and irls

Not all the girls elco back to his seat, he realized a young lady was staring at Reynolds and Alice angrily

"What's going on here?" He asked as he took his seat

"Tell them to step down fro this will only reduce the chances of others" The young lady said

"Don't you think your request is a bit, I don't know, odd It's none of your business if we decide to continue fighting or not" Alice replied coldly

"Odd? You two are hoarding all the spots even after achieving your airily

She knew her battle the next day would be difficult, now she was looking for a way to vent her current anger If she lost toth is all that th speak If you're worth it, then the Faction you ill surely seek you Doing this only shows that you're unsure of yourselfl" Grey spoke up

"Say whatever you want, but what they are doing is pathetic" The young lady said

The exchange between the young lady and Grey's group naturally caught the attention of those around Soht Alice and Reynolds had already gotten into a Faction of their choice, as the use in taking part in the coer

One of the people who felt evenlady Reynolds eli lady to stir up trouble for the group