Chapter 272: Sad News (1/2)

Chapter 272: Sad News

The group went over to Alice’s place with Klaus and Grey laughing at Reynolds for burning his food

“Why are you two laughing?” Alice asked after opening the door

Frohing at his expense

Klaus went on to tell her how he forgot he was cooking

“At least he’s trying, unlike you” Alice coh

Klaus suggested they headed over to the Silver Moon Restaurant, the ti for Grey, and Reynolds’ atte

Reynolds quickly agreed to it, Grey had no proble to the restaurant, and neither did Alice

They spoke about what they’ve been up to in the past two days, and other than Grey, the rest of the, Alice included

Grey was the only one who iroup soon got to the city gate, Lunar City is always bustling with activity, fro the city, to the people exiting it There are times when people would actually need to sloalk in like they were standing in a queue

“Bud, I think you need to take it sloith your training I know you want to be strong and all, but you still need to look at other aspects in life” Klaus advised as they entered the city

Alice and Reynolds nodded simultaneously Grey trained too much, and this had made him kind of antisocial The only reason they were able to become friends with him was that they had befriended him just after he caet to see him often

“Like what?” asked Grey

After the time he took the first test, his whole life had revolved around training Other than learning about new things, he technically didn’t have another hobby

“Go out, s You could even decide to travel around the eested

“You guys are enough” Grey said

“Yeah, but on’t always be with you Let’s face it, a time will come ill have to take different paths It’s not like ouldn’t see each other again, but not as frequently as we do now” Klaus said as the group headed towards the Silver Moon Restaurant

“Yeah, you’re right about that I’ll think of soemaster” Grey replied

Because of the experience he had after his first test, he le day for three years, he kind of got used to the feeling, for three years, his mother was the one he spoke with the most Even at the time he ca friends

Klaus was the first friend he made, and from all the people ere alith Alice and Reynolds, he became friends with only the duo Of all his friends, Klaus was very persistent, he would always check up on him, almost every day when he just arrived at the Acadehtning Hall, and whenever he had a problem with the element, he would usually search for either of the two to clarify sos to him

Other than Klaus, Alice, and Reynolds, the only other person he speaks with a lot in the Academy compound was Instructor Blake

When the trio heard his reply, they shook their heads wryly They could tell froe any tiot to the restaurant and we’re stopped because animals weren’t allowed into the restaurant, but after Klaus declared his identity, they allowed theaze of the crowd on the lower floor As usual, co a table, the group sat down

While waiting for their food, they continued speaking about their plans Just like Grey, Alice didn’t really knohat to do yet Reynolds was the only one as currently conte two choices

“I recalled you said you wanted to ht after the waiter brought theiris, my dad has officially become the ex-mayor and principal of both Lunar City and Acade


The trio exclai the attention of the few people on the floor

“He resigned?” Alice asked

“Yes” Klaus nodded

“Wow, that’s unexpected Why, what happened?” Reynolds asked