Chapter 1241 Sexcapades Of Young Master Joe (1/1)

Chapter 1241 sexcapades Of Young Master Joe

Date- 5 April 2321

Tiion, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Guild association Mall, Warehouse No234

Joe was planning to surprise Laura's grand her by surprise or force if required Either way tonight he was not going to quit until he wrecked that big juicy ass But when Joe stealthily rand all the elders of the Hill fa so Joe break into their mother's room and looked at him in confusion but before they all could reach the apparent conclusion, Laura's grand hih reluctant, Joe chose to follow Laura's grandma's lead as he, himself, could not think of a better reason on spot So instead of spending a stea the elder's various questions about the Central capital and the main Hill family's plan for Laura, the child with the sword slave physique

It was alrandma's bedroom like he planned to but he was not happy about it as he did not get lucky as he was hoping to instead he ended up cozying up to a bunch of country bu them the real him

That day Joe was surprised to learn that the Circle's branch in sun blosso it so that the branch Hill faer required the main family's assistance anymore As he anticipated the branch fa when they will be leaving However, Joe made it clear with his actions that they were here to take the child with the sword slave physique and he did not ht of the main family, Joe was able to suppress the branch family and force them to hide their dissatisfaction Later he took the child with the sword slave physique to find the person who had her fated ingredient and buy it but to their dismay, that person had already left the city and returned to his ho suppressed the branch faive up on the idea of tasting the matriarch of the branch faht visit to her bedroo into the rooainst the door to make sure he would not walk in on a trap like the last time

ReadNovelFullco no sounds froreat enthusias into the roorand her to be yet Joe wait patiently for his prey to arrive but she never arrived Turns out that night she was sleeping with her beloved granddaughter Laura Failing to get lucky two nights in a row Joe was frustrated

Frustrated Joe summoned his people that accompanied him as his advisors to help hirandma To his surprise, he received a call fro an earful frolanced at all of his aids before planning a trip to sky blossoredient of the child with the sword slave physique Leaving a few of his goons to watch over the branch family, Joe led the others to the sky-blosso at the city, Joe learned that the city had faced ht and that if not for the city array, the whole city hts to this news and went in search of the person who had Laura's fated ingredient Arriving at that person's workplace a warehouse, the sensory card apprentice aoons warned him that there was a se that a se within the warehouse where the person he was supposed toJoe felt a chill run down his spine Serown up in the central capital, his farandpa The reason Joe felt scared was that he was planning to storm into the warehouse and threaten the person who had Laura's fated ingredient using his faive them the card for free A few thousand low-tier soul jades were not a big deal for Joe but he was used to taking what he wanted by force only from the weak

Now that Joe learned that a se in the workplace of the person whom he was supposed to meet, Joe decided to pay for the card and leave without causing any trouble Questions like, what a se in a third-rate city did raise in Joe's mind but he chose not to entertain the into the warehouse Joe was surprised to find Aba Windsor and her infaatha At first, Joe did not believe his eyes but having been warned by his goon that a semi-demiGod was inside the warehouse, Joe understood that he had not mistaken, he was actually in presence of Aba Windsor, the only beloved daughter of Dean to thank his lucky star, ould have thought that he would reatness in a third-rate city? Joe no longer regrets not killing the co her If not for her his father would not gave sent hih Aba Windsor had no idea who Joe Hill was or if a family named Hill existed in the central capital, Joe was completely aware of Aba Windsor, and her likes and dislikes He had paid a fortune to learn those things No, Joe was not Aba's secret ad of that sort He was a predator, but Aba was not like his typical prey, she hat he liked to call his golden ticket to ascension

Aba despite her child-like body build was very popular a the central capital men, mostly because her last name was Windsor, and some men idolized her because of their rather unique sense of taste, the Lolicons And Joe was a the men who liked Aba for her last name, Windsor Even an 8-year-old child from the streets of the central capital knows that demiGod Windsor was one of the richest deions Who would not want a rich and powerful father-in-law?

Joe was one of those ould rather work hard to take the shortcut than work hard the regular way So for soolden ticket to ascension Joe would not be Joe if had not done his ho with her Just because he liked to fantasize about hitting big by getting Aba to madly fall in love with him and then marry into her family and live off her rich and powerful dad Aba wasn't the only one, Joe had a list of golden tickets, and one of the names on that list was Anna Heatsend, the princess of the southern royal fa s Aba out Yet, Joe felt that he had left the best first impression in the history of first impressions Thankfully his advisors could see where this was heading and did not waste a second before, texting Joe to behave saying that his overzealous approach was leaving a very desperate and bad impression on Aba Windsor And if he were to continue down this path he would burn any chances of getting close to Aba Windsor while advising hinored the first text so his goons bo hi him to do better as this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not just for Joe, himself, but the Hill fa demiGod Windsor's son-in-laere lesser than zero but they hoped that Joe could try and get acquainted with Aba Windsor, as just being acquainted with a Windsor would open ht now the advisors were thinking of nuood side of Aba Windsor Meanwhile, Joe was trying his best not to bo close to Aba Windsor So he could not help but laminate the fact that this went so smoothly in his fantasies but as it so hard in the real world?

Just when Joe's advisors were out of ideas to help Joe get close to Aba, three low-level card apprentices walked into the warehouse Seeing how Aba was close to them, one of the advisors caet close to Aba but even get her to owe him a favor