Chapter 1198 Mental Strength (1/1)
Chapter 1198 Mental Strength
Date- 5 April 2321
Tiion, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Outskirts
Lois as about to put an end to her second round of sneak attacks on the boy suddenly felt a presence in her spiritual channel's end that ended in the physical plane, this presence was no stranger to Lois, she instantly kneho had invaded her spiritual channel, it was her target of assassination Lois's th immediately made its way from the mid-section of her spiritual channel to its end in the physical plane to expel the boy'show the boy was able to enter her spiritual channel from the physical plane
Lois was able to see other people's spiritual channel's within her range thanks to her physique but even she would have difficulties invading others' spiritual channels using her h the physical plane That was because usually, the physical plane end of the spiritual channel of a card apprentice was protected by their ego gem and their flesh and blood Even if Lois had her body compressed and moved into the midsection of her spiritual channel and left its end in the physical plane unguarded, it should be impossible for anyone to see the end of the spiritual channel in the physical plane using naked eye, be it a card demiGod But the boy was somehow not only able to spot her spiritual channel but also invade it using hisher contein card ht Was the boy able to spot her spiritual channel in the physical plane because of his origin card? Lois wondered if it was possible but that was unheard of, however, considering that the boy's realin cardits true potential
"Lois, you did not have to come all this way to receiveLois's th approach me from deep within her spiritual channel
"Get the fuck out," the nature took the shape of Lois's physical body for froth, I th to take the shape of th specter of myself Buy my specter was not as well defined as Lois's specter Fortunately, I had an AI to make up for some of the areas where I lacked And my specter looked like an exact replica of my physical body shape Then I used th specter saying, "Lois, that is not how you should greet your guest, did your parents not teach you any better?"
"I a born," Lois's specter yelled So she encased her specter into a huge cone, which began spinning Lois had forth and launched it at e spinning drillLois's example and a little help from my AI I encased th
If it were the regular world a regular drill would never be able to dig into a diaular, they were ths clashed it all ca a se a teth was not much, so the result of the clash was not obvious Apart fro ths were used and applied mattered the ths clashi+ng was too little to be a deciding factor
The difference in the power behind Lois andvery little despite the obvious difference in our realms was because of various reasons and two of theendary physique and that th was four tith thanks to my th round with its teth into a diamond down to the covalent structure of its atoth drill clashed with th, we came to stand still until Lois's drill broke down and her th scattered
From this ordeal, I cah it was not polished, all I needed was more practice however with the assistance ofthe clash of th, I learned despite gaining the Devil's power and the four tiainst the strength of Lois'swasourth resembled a diamond down to its atoth coether to take the forth was concentrated at the tip of the drill, it still was just an origath but not an actual drillcontent, please report errors in time