Chapter 1184 Devil Merchant Code (1/2)
Chapter 1184 Devil Merchant Code
Date- 5 April 2321
Tiion, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Outskirts
"No, it doesn't If you want it, I can get you the devil et you anything," the jet-black monster worm's replay was full of deceit I cannot catch a break with this guy Everything he said wasand it wasn't technically a lie in soencies back on earth
If I were not carefully scrutinizing every word that came out of the jet-black monster worm's mouth, I would have been led to believe that I would have to pay a price of equal value to get the devil merchant code from the jet-black worm
When what the jet-black monster worm said was entirely different
1If you want it, I can get you the Devil et you anything you want
The jet-black worm's tricky wordplay did not surprise me after all it was a devil and that was expected of it However, I would be surprised if it wasn't deceitful
"Good, then getthe jet-black worh its falsehood
"As I said, I can get you anything for a price," the Jet-black reed to my request nor denied it But froyourself like an NPC and givesure the jet-black norance
"NCP? What is that?" the jet-black wor me the devil iveto entertain the devil's charade anymore
"Devil merchant code, I have that," The jet-black monster worm said