Chapter 1079 Carnivorous Womb (1/2)
Chapter 1079 Carnivorous Womb
Date- 4 April 2321
Tiion, Blosso to achieve by shaking a corpse, you do know that it will not bring the dead back?" I said from behind Jill as I burrowed out of the floor of the base
No a after being coy Usually, it would take days before a body with the Gigae after death That is because even after death there would be soy left in the body for it to last for days before succu to nature Since I had made sure to turn off all body functions and leave no soul energy in the body before disconnecting it froain consciousness the body had reached its expiration
Therefore once Jill regained consciousness and showed that she was in control of her body I had to have my calamity use myriad devil transformation skills to morph into a worm monster burrow into the floor from my body and then burrow out from the floor in a new human body Jill was so shaken from the fact that she had killed her first and only partner that she soh all this
"Yes, I do bu-" Jill answered unaware of her surroundings and then it hit her, shouldn't she be alone in the dungeon? Not to mention the voice sounded a little familiar, spiked Jill slowly turned her head to find the boy burrowing out of her base floor And screahost, "Aaaaahhhh"
"Good to see you too," saying that I established a te array to clean the base's floor, Jill, I, and our clothes Then I began to dress
"You are alive, how are you alive?" Jill asked as she repeatedly looked back and forth between the boy's corpse on the floor and the boy getting dressed in front of her
"Don't ask, it is a trick ofsex with you, this trick ofdressed
"What?" hearing the boy co that to be true
"Don't you dare," I said glaring at Jill while I took Anna's ring fro the space discretion array
"Sorry," Jill h"