Chapter 1041 Negotiation (1/1)

1041 Negotiation

Date- 4 April 2321

Tiion, Blossom District, Sun blossom city

Trapped within the Heaven Sanction card used by Agatha the two enerouped with their tea the hidden escape teleportation prepared by Mike beforehand And since the allied seht a death match with enemy semi-demiGods This bred an aard ato the ene one of their tea them even at the expense of civilian casualties But now allied semi-demiGods did not bother to waste their breath at the eneed to stop the ene heaven's sanction yet they were not in total control of the situation thanks to the eneuys plan to sit on your asses and glare at the eneuys do know that I can't suht?" Heaven's sanction was the card Agatha received from Anna It required an unparalleled bloodline to activate, but thanks to Anna reatha could use the card for a few e for an appropriate sacrifice

"Did you not hear hie of the eneatha had listened to what Nue but for seh space for the about friendly fire and because of the curse on them they could not kill the curse rouped

"How long can you atha

"Not for long but I guess can hold till your teaatha replied with a frown, her co pale, its Heaven's Scantion toll on her was beco seconds

"Don't hold your breath on theuards, Rest of our teammates will never leave her side no matter the reason The only reason theydecides to visit Sun blosso the political i would want to be part of any of this If not for Southern E her niece, ouldn't be here to help you," Nuatha that there was no reinforce, they were all on their own

"So, what now?" Agatha asked learning that she could not count on Ason's bodyguard detail for reinforceotiate, that is the best option we have to get the boy back in one piece," Nuatha

"Nuotiate," Nuotiate every tie, then people would target the politicians to get their way, therefore the handbook which asked them to protect their clients with their life at stake also asked to never negotiate in case their client was taken as hostage

"I know the rules, but this is not the same We don't need to follow the same set of rules here Just follow atha Then added let me make it clear, "Before we start let me make our priorities clear Our task here is the protect the boy, not police what is happening in the southern region So fighting the eneotiation fails Understood?"

"Yes," Nureement Number Ten was correct, they did not care what the Circle and its goons were up to in the southern region Their only responsibility was to protect the boy and that was all Therefore Nuotiate with the eneo," Number Ten muttered as he decided to address the eneotiation as the Eneht the their o," Nu at the enemy semi-demiGods

"" Nu silence and howling of passing wind Since they could risk getting standard to capture the boy it was obvious they would not hand over the just for their freedo what the enemy wanted with the boy, Number Nine had to start somewhere

"If you have any other de the boy, I can pro that the ene the boy for their freedom He directly asked the it did not involve the boy he promised to help thereeted by silence from the enemy semi-demiGods but by an odd demand, "We want the boy to hand over the Circle's sun blosso the demand of the ene Mike and storing his corpse in a coffin-like iteh Number Nine found it odd that the enemy semi-demiGods would risk their freedoive ht to it As his only priority was to protect the boy and return him unharmed to the Southern Emperor As for the rest, he did not have the time for that

"Fine, you can have your branch leader's corpse Bring forth the boy, let me speak to him"
