Chapter 1028 Number Nine & Ten (1/1)

1028 Number Nine & Ten

Date- 4 April 2321

Tiion, Blossom District, Sun blossooon balls seeatha yelled as she spread her soul energy and incoate the influence of the three semi-demiGods from Circle Thanks to her actions the 103 clones of the boy were able to escape without any hindrance

“Now that’s a weird line to say,” Nu to what Agatha just said

“…” Agatha did not seeuard’s re out to the boy through her griatha would be so distracted in a confrontation, it was because she doubted that all three of the semi-demiGods from the circle were Lich or at least one of them was This was not her idea the boy had planted this doubt in her mind, and he also promised to help her deduce their identity with his unique Aura Sight Now as theher calls orthe circu she understood why the boy was not responding to her calls and texts Right now the boy was escaping for his life under the cover of about 103 clones, if he were to suddenly surimoire just to answer her then he would stand out fro the cover of about 103 clones would be pointless

Though Agatha understood the predica a lich if possible Agatha was pretty confident about her strength enough to challenge dragons and young supre y were like weeds, killing theatha would rather choose to retreat than fight a losing battle that could end

“Senior Sister Nine, I think she is ignoring you?” Nu a flame between the two female semi-demiGods of his and fan it at the sareed hearing her junior brother and adding, “Let us ignore her and coht corner, I will take the other two after we are done capturing all three of them ill return to report to Captain”

“Yes, Senior Sister Nine,” Nueht break out, the mission took priority

“I would not do that if I were you,” Angtha said as she felt Asong’s guards activate their incomplete Divinity

“Why not?” Number Ten immediately asked before his senior sister could take this chance to refute the allied se he had created

“There is a possibility that either one or all three of theh she did not have any merits to prove her words

“Lich!” Both Number Nine and Ten blurted in surprise As part of an elite bodyguard force trained by the government, both of them were proud and confident about their capabilities But to take on a single Lichthree Semi-demiGod Lich

“If so why did you rush over here? We could have just grabbed the boy and retreated by to Sky blossoatha rust to the front to confront the three semi-demiGods from the circle if they were Lich

“I don’t know, seeing the boy in danger I just reacted,” Agatha said, but the real reason she intervened, stopping three se all 103 clones of the boy was that she, herself, did not knohich one of the 103 clones was the real body of the boy In such circumstances, she could only come forward before the ene which was his real body

“Enough about that, how sure are you they or one of the the distance between the two cities rest of the tea decided to exterminate all three liches at any cost As that hat he trained for, though it was a different story that the governuard

“About that, it is justher Nuatha soon added, “Don’t worry, if they are lich we have to force them to reveal they are true to form so that the southern e the southern region to capture them If they are not liches, I don’t think either of you will have trouble capturing one of theatha, Number Nine and Ten both nodded As the same was true for their team Their captain can’t just waltz in and capture three Semi-demiGods just based on their doubts that their opponents were Liches They would need concrete evidence for the the political repercussions that this one small incident can stir up

“Fine,” Nuatha’s plan but before they could move the semi-demiGods froathafree, the three enemy se the boy’s clones

While the allied se their course of action, the enemy semi-demiGods were clear about their motive First, they made sure the number of enemy semi-demiGods, calculated their battle prowess, and thenin various directions It did not take theh the B-rank clones and find three clones that could be the originals Then they fanned out, each ai for one of the three inal
