Chapter 939: Target (1/2)

Chapter 939: Target

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 21:43

Location- Sun Blosso through the changes to his body the boy finally spared a thought to his attire, it was still intactthe three attire itees to the boy's appearance were huge but his physical changes werewere still whole and fit hi the three attire ite used the summon possession card, the boy understood the reason why his changes were so minor after he th between the su the fusion will be the deciding factor in how es to the body of the card apprentice would be after undergoing summon fusion

If the card apprentice's physical strength th of the sues that appear on the card apprentice's body after undergoing suth of the card apprentice doesn't th of the sues that will happen to the card apprentice's body after insertion of summon fusion will be th If the reater than that of the summons used in the summon fusion then the card apprentice will be in total control with nosuth was not greater than the suh the card apprentice will be controlled by default after insertion summon fusion but the card apprentice will face major mental hindrance from the suh to kill people over ser than the card apprentice should not be used for summon possession, useless if it was the last card available

Thinking of this boy shook his head as he glanced through his surroundings before he decided to head toward his destination in his new for his beloved hoverbike

Under the moonlit sky, a humanoid covered in feline fur walked in the air and cli the location his associate had sent to his grimoire

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 21:45

Location- Sun Blosso? Some kind of new monster?" Codename Sniper said after he witnessed a weird hu hu his turn of the watch

As the Sniper focused on the humanoid he canature closely h the facial features of the huet it did notthis discovery Sniper wanted to shoot it down but then remembered that the Matron had specifically asked the the sun blossoe this hu tiiveness which meant this screw-up could cost him his life so he did not want to take his chances After all, he was a few forthes were finally starting to look up for him

"Hey, Gray fur Co how to respond to his discovery codenaroup leader, Gray fur In this way, he would not be the only one to be bla

"What is it, Sniper?" Grey Fur replied to Sniper in annoyance as he walked out of the temporary portable stealth secret base

"Look at that thing, tellat the huht

"shi+t, it is our target It seeives hith and appearance of a beast," Gray fur said confidently as he knew that even if the facial feature of the creature were to trick hinature would not lie So he was sure that the hu in the sky was none other than their target

"What is he doing walking out of the city? Is he trying to escape?" Sniper asked, as according to the intel the target wasn't supposed to leave the city until he had destroyed the sun blossom city branch of the circle