Chapter 927: Agathas Threat (1/1)

Chapter 927: Agatha's Threat

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 20:39

Location- Sun Blossom City, Card Creationist association, Auction house, West Wing Hall

"Okay, what is that condition of yours? If it is to help you deal with the low-level card apprentice of the circle then don't even think about speaking it just s those words," Agatha agreed to hear me out but warned me that she will not harm those that are weaker than her without a proper reason to do so

"I want you to help me see the semi-demiGods before we retreat That should not be too atha

"Why is your condition so specific and odd? As if you want to confir Wyatt, what are you up to, tell uard you need to be frank with ood at my job to protect you Why don't you understand that, da the boy make such an odd but specific condition, she kneas up to so kept in the dark about so atha was frustrated and finally snapped at the boy asking him to be honest with her so that she can do her job to protect hiatha, I did not answer her but asked, "So you can do that or not?"

"I will agree to nothing unless you tell uard, I need to knoe are getting into to tell you if you are being foolish or not," Agatha demanded

From the moment she accepted this task to protect the boy she felt so else huge was afoot here than she was being let to know Especially the part where Anna went as far as to threaten her with the life of de the boy seriously

She thought the anization, but it was opening to be soer than what she can handle What waswas that the fact the card soldier boy knewShe had worked hard to get to where she was today and yet she was being led by a card soldier It felt as if everything she had worked for was for nothing That fact that she was at a point in her life where, she, as a se card soldier She thought that things could not go lower for her

"Agatha, you know I cannot tell you that The inforion's top confidential secrets Anna will not be happy to hear that you are asking for the state secrets," I said not giving into Agatha's unreasonable demands

"Oh, yeah, how about I take you back to sky blosso her deatha threatened reed on The deal was you will be oing to go back on your words? Agatha, is that what you are trying to do?" I said in protest to Agatha's threat But I had a feeling at this point if I don't say what Agatha wanted to hear she will follow through with her threat

"No, I auard and I will be your bodyguard As your bodyguard, I don't feel you are safe here so I will take you back to the sky blossoar mauard she will," Agatha doubled down on her threat and I felt like she was enjoying it

Threatening the boy to take hiatha felt like she was back in control again She hated the fact that she had to do and follow as the card soldier said, her ego did not allow it but now, right now, she felt as if she was in charge This feeling onderful, she could not help but think about why she did not do this from the start Why did she let this boy walk all over her earlier?

It was because back then it was just some ordinary mission that she wanted to complete and be done with it but now it had beco Theher life for a card soldier to get his revenge, she felt backed up against the wall and then she snapped deciding to snatch the reigns froatha, as a bodyguard why can't you just do what you are told to do without asking too atha, I did not knohere to begin and how to prove it without revealing atha was being difficult

"Wyatt, if not for the southern ee, I would have killed you for what you just said to me Please don't push it Let us be civil about this, I still want to be friends with you e are done here So let us not say or do things to each other that either of us will regret later You give ive you what you want Then part as a couple of BFFs What do you say, buddy?" Agatha sounded like the worst mobster to ever exist But what she said s to quench her curiosity and manipulate her to do exactly what I had in plan This worked for me
