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Chapter 857 Space Collapse Array (1/1)

Chapter 857 space Collapse Array

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 06:09

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild association Mall, Warehouse no234

I planned to have Asong as ion, therefore, keeping inlived the best for in card but now all that was for nothing as I had realized that Asong was too stuck up in her self-righteous ways to be of any use to me

People like her were too afraid to use the power they had She reminded me of the de the democracy back to its infancy By democrats I mean, collectively, what they stand for and what they represent but individually, I would not trust thee joe's house

I a as a backer would do oody-two-shoes has a line of haters, she was bound to have thehteousness, if I were to associate with her then people who could do nothing to her would target ht in the first place would do nothing as she is afraid of being bla her power

I bet her fa her they would only ains she would offer to them It would be in my interest to cut all ties with her, people like her do not only hold theh standards but also force thereedy profiteer as in this world with hthe proble I walked into the card lab, Susan had already neatly staked all the ingredients for the creation of an enhanced space collapse card Most of the ingredients here are mainly for the creation of a s the space collapse ability to target an individual target was a waste of resources and these resources would be better off if used to enhance the space collapse ability to target an array in the surroundings

The easiest way to destroy an array was to alter nature's soul pathways in the surroundings So if I were able to collapse the space of the surroundings where the array was active then with the collapse of the space I would have destroyed the soul pathways in that space This ay si to create Well, I did try to create an array hack card but the end result wasn't satisfactory But if I were to use space collapse ability then it was going to be a gaer

The space collapse ability I extracted froe it could only affect a single target and not to reeaker with the realet For it to affect an entire array I will have to make some enhancements to it, that here the space isolation array came into the picture

The space isolation barrier array covering the cities can be considered the advanced for the space isolation array as the base array Si to use the space isolation array as the base to enhance the space collapse ability I extracted fro the space collapse ability was to increase its range so that it could affect an entire specified area such that it can destroy nature's soul pathways in that array with the collapse of the space The uses of this ability ide, apart froh to destroy field and trap cards This way I did not have to worry about the enemy field and tarp cards

The deep seathat its space collapse ability was lirade, that is, it was invincible in B-rank but was barely able to affect A-rank The space isolation array had taken care of the range of the space collapse ability and now I had to think of so tothat came to my mind hat if I were to enhance the A-rank core used as the core of this space collapse array card with a viltronian core

How do I enhance the A-rank array core using the viltronian core? Here I will use the strong viltronian soul pathways to replace and enhance the soul pathways of the space collapse ability extracted from the deep sea murex The best way to achieve this would be to mutate the soul pathway of the space collapse ability extracted fro the soul pathways of the viltronian This way the soul pathways of the space collapse ability will become sturdier like the soul pathways of a viltronian and will be able to display e deep sea murex's space collapse ability ever could

So the plan was simply to mutate the space collapse ability soul pathith the Viltronian soul pathways and then enhance it with a space isolation array This way the space collapse ability will be able to gain the power and range it was lacking before the mutation and enhancement

Many advanced arrays make use of the space stabilization feature to hout the life of the array This stabilization feature was only to make sure that variables like tees which could affect the working of the array or even hinder it
