Chapter 825 Messing With Asong (1/2)

Chapter 825 Messing With Asong

Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 23:23

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild association Mall, Warehouse no234, Card Lab

Asong finally understood what the teenager was getting at She never thought she would be schooled about roer no less Turns out she was too naive when it cos and still had a lot to learn about love

Now Asong felt e to force her friend's love interest to take responsibility for her friend's feelings when she had no experience in this part of life Then she reht now she regretted e of Understanding where she rong, Asong looked at the teenager, standing a foot away froized, " I am sorry, It was notAsong apologize I could see she was being genuine it seeh to her And to mess with her a little I movedwhen I said I was into you, I really am and I would always prefer hts about a couples retreat in thethe boypanicked but soon she froze hearing what he had to say His wordslike a dru to process the nuht at that instant As result she was speechless and was unable to answer the boy's question, ""

"I will take your silence as a yes and go ahead with the bookings Don't worry, Anna doesn't hav—" Awakened byfrantically tried to deny, "No, No … No, I don't agree I cannot do this Anna"

"So, if Anna is out of the picture will you agree?" I asked Asong with my eyebrows raised

"No, I didn't row more frenetic I decided to call it quits before all this ends up as a huge , I was justas overwhel for that look to turn fierce, and yell, "Y-you, how dare you trickwas too weak and added toAsong's weak fists I said, "I wasn't lying when I said I preferred rew ressive and she yelled, "You still dare to 's fists by her wrists and said, "Asong, stop Otherwise, your bodyguards will kill "

Unable to free her hands Asong glared at me and said, "Good, they should, that way I can relieve a quarter of the anger I a, don't even joke about it, theyAsong then preferring toher directly with no honorifics added, "Wyatt, isn't your tongue taking too much liberty with me"

"I believe noe are at the point where we can skip honorifics while addressing each other, don't you think so too?" I said being cheeky

"What gave you that idea and when do you plan to let go of hands?" Asong asked struggling to free her wrists

"Never but since you are asking I will let the's wrists