Chapter 814 Secerts of Grimoire (1/1)
Chapter 814 Secerts of Grimoire
Date- 2 April 2321
Time- 19:54
Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild association Mall, Warehouse no234
If you think about it by practicing their active soul control the card apprentices strengthen their soul and their control over it, in return, their accessible soul energy increases Other than that there was no other benefits to practicing active soul control without the griive such ical abilities to the card apprentice? Where do these powers coed to the world and we gained access to it by forrimoire as the mediurimoire as a medium? Why can we not directly establish a contract with the World's will?
Seeing that reith her words Ann offered, "Master Wyatt, I know it is confusing but this is all I can disclose to you about the grimoires If you have doubts ask away, I will try to answer the the sensitive and taboo stuff"
"Ann, why is there a need for users to use a grimoire as a medium to establish a contract with the world's will? Why can't we do that directly?" I asked Ann, taking up on her offer
"Master Wyatt, you should already know that to feel the presence of the world's will you will have to forge an ego gee talent of people all over the world it was iem Of course, there are some exceptions such as yourself But do you believe the eh for us to patiently forge an ego gem and independently form a contract with the world's will
Therefore the first of us to walk on this world thought of using the grimoire as a medium to form a contract and borrow the power of the world" Ann answered by saying that huem to feel the presence of the world's will, so it was impossible for humans to form a contract with the world's will at the card student real, the world was plagued with e ego gems to establish a contract with the World's will and borrow its power Therefore our ancestors came up with the idea to use a medium to form a contract and borrow the power of the world's will
"Does that ririht for higher grade grieririe their ego ge is correct if we consider that grirowth But are the griem the same?" Ann answered me with a question
"No?" I didn't understand, was Ann saying that gririem?
"Master Wyatt, Grimore is indeed a medium used by card apprentice to form a contract with the world's will to borrow its power but it is not the saem They both have two different functions Grimoire deals with the world's power that is the soul pathways and the ego geies in the world's will that is the rules, and their ives the card apprentice access to soul pathhich we ives us access to rules which we o gem are important to a card apprentice" Ann narrated the ieave them access to two different power systems, Soul pathways, and Rules While the card apprentices h Cards and Runes
Hearing Ann's explanation I understood that gris that helped the card apprentice borroo different power systeriets its ability from but the principle behind its creation was still beyond my reach as I knew that enter the taboo part which Ann wasn't supposed to explain to rirades?"
"About that, the rirades but was interrupted by Asong
"Ann, stop it right there You were just about to reveal how the grimoires are created to explain why they are divided into five different grades" Asong interrupted Ann as so keen on explaining to ot that she al atsaid, "Master Wyatt, please don't try to take advantage of the courtesy we have extended to you"
"What? I ari on an innocent s rolled her eyes at my response
I did expect that it would not be easy to get the privileged infored and instead derirades?"
"You…" hearinglooked at me in disbelief