Chapter 606 Corrupt (1/2)
Chapter 606 Corrupt
Date- 31 Mar 2321
Time- 9:19
Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild association Mall, Warehouse no234
"Mr Ralecting you" I said politely
"I understand Please don't feel burdened If I remember correctly, you visited me yesterday with a request If you don't mind, could you tell me how I can be of help to you?" Rami asked humbly
"Since you asked, I will not beat around the bush I heard you from Sun Blossom city"
"Yes, born and raised," Rami responded proudly
"Then what is your opinion about the Circle opening a branch in your city" For someone in Rami's position, it should be clear that the Circle is bad news But why does he allow it to infest his city?
"Master Wyatt, regarding that Since you know that the circle here is just a branch, then you should knoerful are the people backing theranted to thenty means the Royal family and its related forces cannot obstruct or meddle with their business
"Okay, I will beRami hesitate to state his position on the Circle matter, I decided to be more direct
"Master Wyatt, that is too specific and unfair This is not as siood or bad The interest of a lot of people is involved in thisto say is that the Circle is well connected, and if you were to shake it, then a lot of people would be unhappy" What Raion is corrupt, and the Circle is their passive and steady inco to keep the cash flowing in
"Do the people you talk about involve Anna or people close to her?" Raood side without doing the work for it From where I come from, people like that are the first to abandon the shi+p at first sight of trouble What I a a friend
"Not that I know of," Rami answered reluctantly
"Then are you one of them?" I asked if Rami was one of the people whose interest is tied with the Circle's shi+p
"No way in hell" Ra hi Anna and those close to her Proving that this focker is knee-deep in corruption, has dipped his toes in Circle's bribes, and his loyalty to the southern royal family was for sale
"Good, I will invade Sun blossoht to wipe out the circle And I require you to help my troops invade and leave the city unnoticed and stop the local fa that a willing corporation cannot be achieved with Rami, I decided to force him to a corporation I did not use the soul contract fro it for later