Chapter 595 - Couch (1/2)

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 21:46

Location- Sky Blossoeon

"Anna, I can't thank you enough for a wonderful dinner It couldn't be better The BBQ was delicious I enjoyed it Whoever is going to ood I was full of praise for it

"She will get cholesterol if you keep buttering her ass like that," Corey commented

"What's cholesterol?" Anna asked,

"Yes, Corey, what's cholesterol?" this word paly would have been appreciated back on earth, but here in the card world where people don't know cholesterol, it would just sound dumb

"Shut up, Wyatt," Corey snapped

"You two are close and have a lot in common with each other coet along?" Susan spoke her thoughts out loud According to her, both Corey and her boss spoke words that nobody ever heard of except these themselves They often made jokes only they could understand Not totalented card creationists The si sis, stoplike him" Corey hurriedly denied Susan's com back to the warehouse See you two tomorrow, at work" I did not want to continue the pointless banter I still had to visit the Silver beach gate dungeon to create enough silver milk powder for everyone By everyone, I eer Squadron, and Fine Gold

"What? I have planned a week's worth of dungeon experience for big sis So don't expect us to come to the work for the next few days" Corey announced her plan to continue Susan's dungeon for another week

"Yeah, I think I have already seen and experienced enough dungeon for one day It has made me appreciate my job more Thanks to this experience, I can ithforward to work toth and origin card, a e for her And ore Thankfully her origin card armor could clean itself of the blood and brain matter splatter Otherwise, she would not have lasted this long

"Since Susan has agreed, see you two to Corey the opportunity to retortalong Now, you can get back to your work"

"Pleasure is et to callpolitely, Nick bade his goodbye to Corey, eon