Chapter 549 - Pseudo Bloodline (1/1)

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Tihway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Having paused attacking Sarah's calaem, the demiGod Redfall's soul turned its attention to the only other person in the cave, a card-soldier real boy Its intentions for the card soldier realm boy were clear It wanted to snack on the card soldier's soul and use his body for te as the card soldier's body cannot house a demiGod realm soul So the card soldier's body as a vessel was only a teer Fortunately for Redfall's soul, it found a sturdy vessel as a vacation house With enough preparation, this vesselSarah's ego gem to devote her soul and take over her body

Now that it had decided to taste the Card Soldiers soul, it had to nize it once it walked out of its descendant's bloodline Body snatching was tedious work It had to hide from the world's will and then find a suitable vessel to take over All in all, it had to be careful otherwise, one slip, and it's either back to the river of souls or be permanently wiped out of existence

DemiGod Redfall's soul cut a part of its bloodline from its descendant's body and then used it to create a slim-like blob to hide in before it leaves the bloodline in its descendant's body The demiGod's soul did so to mask itself from the observation of the world's will and to overcome its inspection if necessary All this trouble to hide the fact that it did not belong in this world from World's will

The sli the part of the bloodline it cut off from its descendants' bloodline was actually a Pseudo bloodline or false bloodline It was planning to implant this false bloodline into the card soldier's body so that when it takes over his body, it can freely use the ego gee that connects a card apprentice's soul to the spiritual plane, the house of the world's will and its rules If one wishes to use the power of the rules, they have to channel it through here under the presence of the world's will This is where the pseudo blood created by the demiGod Redfall plays its part It willthe world's will as the demiGod's soul tries to access the rule power The pseudo bloodline played a crucial part in the demiGod's plan to take over the card soldier's body, fro the world's will in the spiritual plane Without it, de out of his descendants' bloodline

After creating the pseudo bloodline, the demiGod's soul hid in it and left its descendant's bloodline, and headed straight towards the card soldier's ego ge its descendant's ego gem as much as earlier, the deathered

Both his descendant and the young card apprentice had forged their ego gem and comprehended specific rules at card soldier real too By their achieveies What astonished the dee? Refining soul energy to the required purity real the ethereal spirit alone took a minimum of 2 - 3 years No matter how talented a card apprentice is, they cannot skip this part Yet these kids in front of hie years

DemiGod Redfall knew that even with the help frorunt work to forge an ego geem eird No em to devour her soul and take over her body Therefore he was curious about how these two achieved it But he did not dwell on this question toocard soldier then he could find all the answers to his questions froies or had so to beco his descendant's body, it did not take more than a second for the demiGod's soul to enter the Card soldier's body, and soon it headed to the young card apprentice's ego gee resistance froeh it to devour the card soldier's soul and replace its place in the body

But to his surprise, all his preparation was not required as he effortlessly passed through the ego ge card apprentice's soul De card apprentice for a while now, but he could not find his soul DemiGod Redfall was persistent and searched every nook and cranny of the ego ge card soldier's soul

Unable to co on, Deem one more time DemiGod Redfall was not due card soldier's soul was soain but returned with no gains So he finally decided to head out of the ego ge on
