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Chapter 376: Design Issues (1/2)

Chapter 376: Design Issues

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 21:17

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild association mall, Warehouse no234

Mechas are the unrequited roed for since I was a little boy and watched the firsta second chance in this card world, ot an opportunity to create a mecha for Pax Whiteburn but never a chance to ride one, but today, I would change that by creating a mecha for myself

Mechas were quite popular back on the earth Their popularity led to the birth of different models of Mechas such as humanoid mecha, animal-shaped mecha, transfor on creating three animal-shaped mechas with the three broken runes I borrowed from Anna I had already decided on which aniave Susan the ingredient list to purchase the card ingredients

For the Fire elemental rule broken rune, I decided to use it to create a mecha shaped after a majestic Lion

For the Wind eleht-capable le for the wind broken rune

For the Earth elemental rule broken rune, I choose tortoises But I did not plan onthis mecha as slow as an actual one, but it would have a hard shell that the tortoises are known for

Designing a mecha into animal form was not the proble the mecha, the spirits of the broken runes were the proble to hule or a tortoise should ht now

With the help of the calaem, I can taht I would feed the beast will of the Lion, Eagle, and tortoise to their respective ele their late masters, the broken runes would mimic the beast wills I feed to them