Chapter 263: Baylor (1/2)

Chapter 263: Baylor

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 11:30

Location- Baylor Mansion, Capital City

“Lady Sansa, not good! not good!” A randiose library whose walls were lined with countless vintage and precious books

“Ki uess it has becoraceful ed lady with youthful charm and a curvaceous body warned the maid who rushed into the library

“I am sorry miss, I wouldn’t have been so audacious if the situation did not warrant it” Hearing her ised

“I see, let’s hear your reason for your behaviour and then I will decide on your punishive the maid a chance at redemption

“Madam, I visit the Hera’s card boutique to collect your ar banquet There I ran into one of theand I was able to extract some inforetting the news from the Duskborn family maid to escape the punishet to the point” The hts did not escape Sansa’s eyes

“Yesto the Duskborn fa Ellen’s only son back ho to their plan they also plan on adding Ellen, her husband and son to the Duskborn faht to use the Duskborn fa master Brandon and Fire Fist e back Ellen’s son a few hours ago” Reporting the information the maid humbly stood for her master’s instruction

“Good job Kiraduated from the card university and has applied to serve as Baylor fauard Here take this Golden Gri recruited Now leave” Handing the maid the Golden Grimoire, Sansa asked her to leave

“Thank you, Mada herthe rihness, how can this slave be of service?” And a deep etting rid of the boy! It’s been two all to demand full payment for a half-finished sloppy job” Sansa yelled at the deep voice bla as promised

“That bitch you asked us to assassinate had stolen so of ours and hid it With her and her husband dead, the boy was our only clue left, so we did not kill him

Now that we have confiroods We were about to handle hiht now due to the involvement of the southern emperor ill complete the task we have taken By today afternoon you can expect to hear the good news” The ned to them has not been completed yet

“Cut the crap, I did not pay you to hear your bull shi+t Get the Job done by today afternoon or else get ready to cough every single penny I paid you” Sansa did not care for the explanation of the male voice, all she wanted was results, a cold corpse of her rival’s last spawn

“Yes, Madam, trust me I will contact you once the task is completed” Theup the call As any promise without results is an empty promise

‘I cannot trust these fools to take care of the boy It see up the call Sansa went into deep thought as she knew she could not count on a third rate organisation that was stupid enough to name itself ‘The Circle’ to co for few minutes Sansa’s eyes shi+ned brilliantly as she hurriedly made another call,

“The sunSansa to call eon raid? Will you coular place” a playful male voice sounded from the other end of the call

“Norman, there is a time and place for that This time I called you to talk about business” Sansa was not offended by the vulgar words of Nor that Norman and Sansa’s relation was that of taboo nature between a le man

“We can always talk about the business before we do it, while we are doing it or after we did it a couple of tiular place You craved dragon eon raid, if you come to the usual place we can eat it, we can do it and talk about the business One arrow and three birds, sweet right” Norle no, otherwise, how could he bed the wife of the youngest demiGod in human history

“First listen to what I have to say then you can decide whether we meet at the usual place” Sansa knew Norry, she decided to let him decide whether they should meet at the usual place to do it today or not