Chapter 997 ...Is Dead! (1/2)

Chapter 997 Is Dead!

Sia's vision blurred as tears pooled in her eyes and flowed down her cheeks like a broken da pod while Boo injected with the best healing ers brushed against the glass stopping her fro Varian

He was completely burnt He lookedperson It's terrible

She couldn't even i, cruel minutes

"Sorry…" Sia lowered her head and cried "I was late…else, you wouldn't have to suffer this ive Sia an anesthetic

Clearly, her left arm bone was broken while the injuries on her abdoerously close to her heart and h the formations

As Sia's cries continued over Varian's state, Sarah sat quietly on the other side of the healing pod She stared at his burnt face silently as it slowly regenerated back to semblance

A few minutes passed and Sia's sobs still went on Finally, Sarah sighed and said "He'll be fine, Sia He's been through worse"

"I can't keep watching him like this" Sia buried her face between her knees and muttered "I-It hurts"

"It does" The lid opened and Varian got back onto his feet He appeared fully healed as well as fully naked As he touched his ribs, he winced "fuck It does hurt A lot"

Sia looked at hiument in the current situation

"Boo" Varian waved his hand and the ghost shi+p headed back to Pluto

The fog was gone The hu the Abyssal and Undead arly, the Archdukes and their surviving teahost shi+p instead of participating in the war

In just a fewchange was the epic battle at the center of Pluto

Evander and the Undead leader clashed, stirring up stor earthquakes with each punch and kick

In just a few seconds, they circled around Pluto and returned to the starting point of their conflict

It was a iants But upon a closer inspection, Evander was heavily injured and pushed back relentlessly The only thing holding him up was his stubbornness to yield

Varian's eyes narrowed at the scene and he teleported to the exit door "The Undead Leader is stronger than expected I have to go"

"Wait!" Sia called from behind "Drink the damn potion! At least, it'd be an assurance"

Sarah stared at Varian with a scorching gaze, urging hihed and shook his head "The only iy It'll push ured a way to tackle n state problen in maybe three paths and lose the rest"

"What's rew solemn and an air of depression filled the air "In case the Abyss Eht need it It's the best potion you ever ht helpso, Varian juhost shi+p and appeared in front of the Archdukes and the five level 9s



Ignoring their provocations, Varian swung his sword once and teleported to the Undead leader

Sarah and Sia appeared in front of the Archdukes and looked at them with indifference

"bitches! You'll pay for his dee—arghh"

A thin red line spread across the bodies of the abyssals and all their legs were severed in a blink, spilling the thick blood into space

Varian's attack wasn't to their vitals which they instinctively had high defense towards but legs, to be precise, the part below the knees

So, the sword slash effectively struck and handicapped the and unleashed their attacks Taking these level 9s would be easy now, but they'd still need a couple of minutes to end them<readnovelfullcom></readnovelfullcom>

In those few minutes…