Chapter 977 Ashes In The Space (1/2)

Chapter 977 Ashes In The space

Another space crack dealt another severe blow to the elderly woman and took her out

"You old bitch! How dare you stop ray-white hair and raised her head

The grip was so harsh that her hair was partially uprooted and blood flowed from her scalp and dripped down her forehead

The elderly wolanced at the Undead

Instead of killing her right away, the Undead slapped her with the back of his hand

A loud clap rang in the space and the level 9 that were fighting in the distance froze for ain that direction Their faces paled and the light in their eyes grew dark

The Undead fighting them saw a chance and were about to attack when a tired and unclear but unyielding voice rang across the space

"Fieht till dea—th!"

The Undead glanced at the old woht cheek was co out like water breaking a fountain

That's the reason why she couldn't speak properly But her words were heard and understood by everyone They reignited the dying fire and caused the huht back even harder

"Why? Why do you continue to oppose us? Why can't you just accept defeat like the inferior pests you are?" The Undead raised his hand and slapped her on the left cheek

Another cloud clap rang in the space and this tione

She now looked horrifying, like a skull with human skin and some dark red flesh Now, even her hair was pulled off and she was bleeding fro that looked normal was her eyes Those old, experienced, and wise eyes continued to stare at him defiantly

If he willed, he'd have been dead with a single slap He controlled his strength enough that her head wouldn't break off from her body and only injured her heavily

He wanted to injure and humiliate her But her eyes didn't show any fear

"Why? Why?!" He growled as he slammed his knee into her face Blood splattered over his arain Her facial features long distorted, and her aged but beautiful face was now a bloody mess that didn't even look human

But those eyes…

"bitch!" His fingers pierced her eyes and gouged out those defiant eyes

Her body treh her body and hit every single nerve that was still working

But she didn't screale cry Nor did she even open her mouth to let out a sound