Chapter 941 Mother-In-Laws Problems (2/2)
"…And finally, I hope you find your birthplace and birth parents," Aentle tone ever
"Thank you for everything you've done for my son And I hope you continue to take care of him," Amanda said softly
"And also tell her not to fall for hima's face froze as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing and Amanda showed a tired expression, 'Son, when you meant you wanted to be an emperor, did you also include the harelared at Sarah with her usual indifferent stare
Unfazed, Sarah pointed to herself and continued, "In front of his girlfriend, Varian hugged Eniguy did that But she not only allowed Varian, but she also hugged hiirlfriend! Is this not conde this culprit to court! Sentence her to justice!"
Ama and Varian did But she was more bewildered by Sarah's manner of speech It really resembled Varian The sarcasm, the irony, the roleplay…
'So, irl? Wait, before that, he's flirting with another girl in front of his girlfriend? But that girl is another self of his other girlfriend Ugh, this is getting cos If you have so ma snorted and fiercely defended her relationshi+p with Varian
Sarah gave A Are you proud of it?'
A her face in the sand now She'd swear to the heavens she raised him properly But if he became a playboy now, a year after her death, what can she do?
Thankfully, Sarah saved her from further e to be because he doesn't have more time and focus to spend on another relationshi+p
Either way, after nearly dying sohis as lad he's alive And if a powerful wouess that's not bad"
Amanda nodded weakly
Sorry to say, but this was beyond her pay grade She was only prepared for the simple life of Varian and Sia A simple adventure A simple story A simple family
She's already dizzy with Sarah and Sia Now another Enigma?
Excuse me? Can I have peace in my final moments before the second death?
Sia returned and started another topic Frohtener while Sia underwent a gradual release of e her away
On the other hand, Enigma acted as a pure spectator She refused to speak unless asked and even when she did speak, her words were at an absolute an to fall rapidly
"It's ti intent was also about to s her The only reason she could hold on was the intense desire she had to listen to her daughters-in-law
This could be the only chance she et So, A she wanted to tell
But still, the time for a farewell had finally come
"Please take care of yourselves and take care of him," Amanda bowed and asked Sarah and Sia to turn around
Then, she pushed a dagger into her throat and collapsed
Sia and Sarah clenched their fists but didn't turn around They didn't even extend their senses to 'see' her condition now Amanda specifically requested about this and they respected her decision
After a few seconds of laborious hissing, the breathing behind them stopped and Amanda closed her eyes
As she was about to fall into an eternal sluht her here, a voice that was more friendly, sounded in her nature, please don't resist One day, if he reaches that level, you ht…]