Chapter 912 Its Good To Be Alive (1/2)

Chapter 912 It’s Good To Be Alive

pAnda (nov)e1? I ahteen year old

Since I was a kid, I always had great dreah ed to pull ed in that one year But er didn't

I still wanted to grow insanely strong But not just to defeat the Abyssals and bring peace, but also so that I don't have to ever watch reatest dreareatest fear

I dread the day where I have to watch so killed in front of my eyes as I watch helplessly

Perhaps that's why I train That's why, even though I can take it easy and easily reach the Sovereign state, I shed sweat and blood

Many say they're driven by their dreams But I am driven by fear

I can stand physical pain I can hold on againsta reality

I think of myself as a rational and calm man, but I know I act on impulses and emotions many times This happens when the people close to ainst Kreo without thinking things through I slaughtered the younger generation of the Xanders, destroyed the geniuses of Demon Abyss

I tortued Dr Thomas to the point he broke and brainwashed him with a new identity I oversaw brutal torture of ry that ot tortured

Am I hypocrite? Not that I care, but with some exceptions, the people I torture are the ones actively har the Human race

How could the sairl as kidnapped by a mad scientist and treated like a lab rat?

But does this justify h of death?

No My actions led to death of people that shouldn't have died And I admit this without any hesitation

Yet, this doesn't weigh down one Queen start a war, I witnessed the horror I inadverdently caused

The suffering, the pain and the cries engulfed me My conscience almost choked me to paralysis

But as I saw rew nuer cried for people who died I still felt sad, I still kneas the one responsible, but I no longer lost my sleep over it

I didn't become a psychopath that wished to actively harm people and seek pleasure frouilt over the loss he caused

I accepted the loss And Iindifference, I felt more andthe Human Race

But I'm no hero When my own life was threatened, I decided to back off Or at least, that's what supposed to happen

I still went into the Abyss, I still fought the Undead

I was iy I can't destroy I was pushed into a space crack that nearly killed ma paid the price for my actions and nearly died I tried rew every day, things got tricky

Even then, I was confident that I'd grow strong enough soon enough to keep them safe

But my body failed under the death strand and instead of protecting the protected I becama was almost pushed to death

So, when I woke up and learned her condition, I ran to her without a second thought

I didn't care if it's dangerous I didn't care if it's stupid to riskher own life All I cared was her safety

I barely spent tile parent, h time with me

I lost my father I lost my mother

I didn't want to lose anyone else No matter the cost