Chapter 872 Hope (1/2)

Chapter 872 Hope

Why did this repulsion exist in the first place?

'I used System's powers' Varian forcibly kept his eyes open

This repulsion should also happen due to Systey to create this repulsion

This energy ritted his teeth and forced himself to sit As he did, a couple of space currents passed by him, and one of therimaced instinctively but kept his focus on the inside

After the fiasco where he nearly destroyed ghostshi+p, Varian tried to use the Systeain at least a few thousand tiht nothing

If he couldn't use the dormant powers of the slivers inside hiy of the slivers that are causing the repulsion

Hope worked better than any steroid and Varian

"Coy But he got nothing

Frustrated, Varian focused inside his body and tried to suain "Slivers!"

It didn't work He couldn't even feel anything

Varian's eyes turned to the unconscious Enig ma She fell on his back and Varian held her so that she won't be throay due to the repulsion

The repulsion started to crack every inch of his skin and initiated the process of destroying him completely

Since their body contact was too her than at any other ti inside his body, suddenly found a strand of new energy The energy appeared both fay

Thinner than a hair, s super alert, he'd have missed it

With a skeptical expression, Varian distanced hima and only held her shoulders

As the body contact disappeared, so did the repulsion Under Varian's shocked gaze, the tiny strand of energy shrank to a point he could no longer sense it

"fuck!" Varian felt both ecstatic and frustrated

Regardless of his success or failure, by the tiy, he'd be a bloody man

"Haa~" Varian took a deep breath and walked to the weakest barrier with Eniglanced at the injured, unconscious Enigized "Sorry"

Then, he took her into his arms and wrapped his arms around her Her head rested on his chest while their body remained in full contact Their skins at the point of contact started to bleed due to the immense repulsion

Varian closed his eyes and focused on the strand of energy It was significantly higher than last ti his will, Varian approached the energy strand and 'pulled' it As if it were a thread connecting to a yarn, y appeared before Varian heard a weird snap

The strands of energy came froot a few strands by then

Varian carefully extracted the tiny strands from his body The moment they exited his body, the black and white strands expanded to cover the whole tunnel

The tunnel itself began to shake violently and its walls began to slowly dissolve

"fuck! fuck!" Varian realized that he took out more power than he could handle If he didn't dispose of it now, he'd end up destroying the tunnel and killing the three of the the chance, the white and black energy strands in his arms twisted as they tried to expand further But Varian held thehh!"

The huge energy ball that was al was condensed into the size of a soccer ball

Varian's bones were crackling as they fractured one by one due to the insane action But despite the horrific pain, Varian stabilized the situation

Varian took a step forith the energy ball in his hands and as a result, a deep footprint was iain

Reaching the edge of the tunnel, Varian threw the energy ball at the weakest barrier they all tried to destroy and waited